All of us here know the power of words. I think that today we use a lot of words that prevent our society from evolving. Our language is loaded with labels that prevents us from seeing certain realities. Some words we use causes separation and hatred. Ex.: Race and racism. There is no such thing when it comes to humans, we are all the same race. By using the word racism we label it. Why don't we just say human hater? Because that's what it really is. The same goes with sexuality. Homosexuality in my opinion does not exist. It is just an other label. It is all normal part of human sexual behaviour. By categorising it we create a difference in our minds and it automatically becomes "abnormal". The same goes with religion, citizenship and so on. Any way that was my rant for the day. Waiting to hear some comments.
The power of words.
by Anti-Christ 12 Replies latest jw friends
Was this just stupid and nobody wants to hurt my feelings by telling me or what I said makes a little sense?
Isn't it human nature to apply labels to things? Humans have a need to organize, categorize etc., it fulfills a human need... We feel like we are surrounded by chaos if we cannot identify things, and that causes discomfort... Not saying it is good, bad or otherwise, just making an observation...
I agree with your thoughts on the word "racist," and that's why I am trying to replace that with "bigot." There are different regional heritages and ancestries, naturally, but all still the same species...
However, I disagree with your description of homosexuality falling within the normal range of human sexuality. Normal means conforming to a norm...and if the norm is heterosexuality, then it's not normal. The majority of people on this planet are heterosexual. It's fair to say that the average person is likely to be straight. So there's nothing wrong with calling it abnormal. Perhaps you are concerned about the negative connotation of "abnormal," but I can't change that.
When there's one world religion (or hopefully none) and one global empire, we can do away with the labels that we've defined, but until then, they're a necessary part of our language...
Isn't it human nature to apply labels to things? Humans have a need to organize, categorize etc., it fulfills a human need... We feel like we are surrounded by chaos if we cannot identify things, and that causes discomfort... Not saying it is good, bad or otherwise, just making an observation...
Ah! good some discussion. Well that's my point we do it out of fear because of things we don't totally understand. Most of our western hatreds are remnants of our judeo-christian background, not understanding what we see as different. Some things that we do today, in the past help us survive ( living in groups, cooperating ) some of these things are still beneficial others are not. Over categorizing things can slow our evolution and sometimes used to maintain the status quo.
However, I disagree with your description of homosexuality falling within the normal range of human sexuality. Normal means conforming to a norm...and if the norm is heterosexuality, then it's not normal. The majority of people on this planet are heterosexual. It's fair to say that the average person is likely to be straight. So there's nothing wrong with calling it abnormal. Perhaps you are concerned about the negative connotation of "abnormal," but I can't change that.
Voila! My point exactly. Meaning. I should of said natural and not normal. I agree that abnormal has a negative connotation but it shouldn't. For example a mutation is considered abnormal but it is natural and can be beneficial, not all the time but some time.
anti christ
All of us here know the power of words. I think that today we use a lot of words that prevent our society from evolving. Our language is loaded with labels that prevents us from seeing certain realities. Some words we use causes separation and hatred. Ex.: Race and racism. There is no such thing when it comes to humans, we are all the same race. By using the word racism we label it. Why don't we just say human hater? Because that's what it really is. The same goes with sexuality. Homosexuality in my opinion does not exist. It is just an other label. It is all normal part of human sexual behaviour. By categorising it we create a difference in our minds and it automatically becomes "abnormal". The same goes with religion, citizenship and so on. Any way that was my rant for the day. Waiting to hear some comments.
I agree that language can be a stumbling block. In the past, before the written word, language was more direct, significative and incorporated all the different inflections of the human voice. But now language seems to be consumed by a love affair with itself - lol. We learn a lot but how much of it is truly significant and meaningful. I'm not against learning - far from it - but I would like to see a questioning of terms and concepts formulated by language.
I like the point you make that we are all human, we express the same emotions, desires etc but in varying degrees and extents and according to our backgrounds and environment.
like the point you make that we are all human, we express the same emotions, desires etc but in varying degrees and extents and according to our backgrounds and environment.
I appreciate the comments, thanks. I sometimes question my way of thinking and wonder if I was not to "warped" by my JW upbringing and that's why I ask. It is difficult for me to post the thoughts that I consider important and defining of who I am. I only went to a French school and I taught myself how to read and write in English so it's a challenge to express what I think and feel with written words.
Hmm, yeah you realy cannot do away with labels as they are how we classify and organize things.
To SirNose: it all depends on how you define sexuality; labels such a heteo and homo are just easy to use to label something that is varied from individual to individual. If you are talking numbers, then its abnormal because it is not predominate but what about phases? I mean, most have obvserved that it is 'normal' for younger kids to become involved with homosexual activity and then stop, yet the behavior is still homosexual in nature. Most, however do not come to such stages but it is considered normal to. And we really do not define normal/abnormal by numbers all the time. What would be a better description is just that heterosexuality is more common. Not playing PC or anything, but to define homosexuality as abnormal when it's been here in some form throughout human history seems a bit rash when we know what it is. When someting pops up that is unfamiliar to us, then that would be more likely to be described as 'abnormal'.
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