I LEFT....but I am sure my Publisher Record Card is still in their "Inactive" files...and all kinds of records about me up at BorgHeadquarters.
because at my sister's ASSembly, they recently whined how approximately "37% of our young people are leaving the Truth
I wonder how they can come up with such an exact number? There are no record keeping forms that track age that go to the Society. The Publisher Card does have gender and birth date on it, but none of that information goes to the Borg. Me thinks the Society is making up numbers again. Me thinks the number 7 million witlesses is overstated.
I pray the day that bethel gets leveled to the ground!
That would be a waste...I would rather see all of the Society's buildings converted to useful purposes:
EXAMPLE: 360 Furman (old shipping) now condos: Studios starting at half million: http://www.onebrooklyn.com/ bet Brooklyn Heights is glad to have this building back on the tax rolls.
Patterson would make a great Resort with some modifications. Walkhill factories could be converted to useful industrial purposes. The surrounding (now mostly unused by Bethel) farmland converted back to agricultural uses.. and all of those facilities/properties returned to the NY tax rolls. That part of upstate NY is beautiful....
Snakes ()