I have observed a number of Witness teenagers who left the 'truth'. I have also observed that most of them end up as responsible members of society as a result of their own path to maturity - and df'ing doesn't help the process.
The typical duty of most parents of teenagers is to prevent their offspring from doing drugs, getting pregnant, crashing a car or going to jail. Once you get beyond that, most kids get tired of hangovers, get wise to their foolishness and settle down into conservative behavior that matches their parents.
What they don't need is interference and judicial examination by external busybodies who can separate them from their families and friends at a deeply critical moment in their lives. Despite difficulty and some heartbreak - they need loving support , not isolation and abandonment.
In particular, they need college because it's highly unlikely you will get a good career without further education - and because having a steady income can solve a lot of practical problems in life.
Sometimes you think your kids will never grow up and 'fly straight' - but most of the time, with patience, that's exactly what happens.
If the Watchtower Society is anything else besides dishonest, they need to prove, with hard facts ( and not anecdotes) that their ugly methods actually work in making kids better.
As it is, their advice on education is sheer poison - and their cruelty towards teenagers is repellent.