Okay, something weird just happened, but now I have not one, but four possible dates, with four different ladies in the near future. Is it really this simple? All I'm doing is being honest and funny. It's so...easy. Man, when people complain that nice guys finish last, well, I just don't know. Not this nice guy at least.
Oh my god, just oh my god
by B_Deserter 23 Replies latest jw friends
I recently found out that someone I was really, really interested in several years ago was also interested in me at the same time. But he never said a word, afraid of rejection! He would not have been rejected. Quite the contrary. (Too late now, I'm married.)
I'm always amazed at how good, decent guys won't ask women out but all the sleazes hit on every woman they see. Is it fear of rejection that holds you nice guys back?
You're cracking me up... congratulations!
B-D - That's great news!!
Dating is not really that big of a deal when you don't make it such a big deal like the WTS always does. Have fun. It's nice to have choices. And even better for you to have these choices all at once. What a boost to your ego and a nice way to spend your weekend. Congrats.
PS: Oh my!! What in this thread brought out the ad for Inter@cialG@yD@ting??
My college roommate was/is so funny... when I first got out I was so damn green, and I lived with a lady's man to beat the band! He always said, well Simon may not want me to post that, but to put it into layman's terms... a man was made for a woman... if you know what I mean? LOL!
So, his motto was to get as much loving as possible, and before long, that was my motto also!
Have fun young man... be careful and have fun! -
White Dove
That's so great! What do you think might happen if we girls try your tactic and were straight forward?
Is it fear of rejection that holds you nice guys back?
Yes, that was a big fear for me.
It could have been the JW teaching that you can only date if seriously interested in marriage, meaning you really had to do well -- score and score big. There were no chances for anything more relaxed or casual, or if you approached it that way you'd be viewed as a "player" in the JW world.
All I'm doing is being honest and funny.
That's all you need to do. Women find honesty and humour to be a very attractive package.
You are turning into a studmuffin!