Some things that annoy me about the WTS

by Leander 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat


    I'm so sorry for the frustrations you must be having. I know it's enough to make you scream in the middle of the Watchtower study!

    I must say that I am glad you are here and I am glad you are willing to keep an open mind to what the bible says. You can see it is sooo different from so many WTS teachings. I feel for ya hon! It's been 11 years since I've been out and I still get frustrated and annoyed when I talk to my parents and when I hear stories like yours. But I have since learned how fulfilling life is without so many rules and restrictions that the Bible has not mentioned. The brothers in so many congregations are much like the Pharisees. They live by the letter of the laws they create, which is totally different from living by the spirit of the law as Christ tried to do. Hang in there! I'll be thinking of ya!


  • moman

    Leander, congrats, ur finally waking up! The WTB&TS iz a CULT, & you have been brain-washed for however long you were a follower! Do everyone a favor, will ya? Stay in the cult az long az you can tolerate it, so you can expose them from the inside! They are BONIFIED false prophets (bible definition) expose the lie!

  • Leander

    Billygoat - You must have read my mind, somedays I literally feel like screaming during the meeting. And then afterwards people ask you what you thought about it, if only I had the nerve to really say what I think.

  • troubled


    I'm glad you posted. My husband and share many, many of the same questions and concerns. I don't know what the solution is. I guess I keep hoping for a reform of sorts. Maybe if enough of us go strictly by the Bible and refuse to believe or teach the extra rules thrown in by man, we can make a difference for the good. That might be naive, but that's what I'm hoping for.

    I know, it's discouraging. My husband used to be an MS and isn't now. He hasn't been to a meeting in 6 weeks. I still go, but considering how I used to be (pioneeer, went where need was great, etc.), I'm at a pretty low spiritual ebb right now. The lowest ever.

    I share your confusion. Problems inside; doesn't feel right to leave either though. I still feel like it's God's organization, though maybe it has somehow drifted into a state where Jehovah might be feeling disapproval with it. (Like how the Israelites kept drifting off the mark, and then even in the first century too). So I keep wondering what Jehovah would have me do. Leave, or stay even though I know things are off kilter (like David, when he wouldn't strike out against Saul, the anointed of Jehovah - trusting that He will take care of things in His own way and time???)

    For now, I'm stayin in, holding on, and holding out. In a kind of spiritual limbo. Really feeling good about some aspects of being a Witness, about the major doctrines, etc., but also seeing things in the congregation that also go terribly wrong. I don't try to sway my hubby either way. Whatever decision he makes, I want it to be his own.

    In conclusion, what to do? What to doooooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

    I don't feel qualified to give you advice, Leander. Except maybe to say "Don't make any quick decisions. Weigh things thoroughly." That's what I'm trying to do.

    Leander, I'm glad you posted. I really am. Please know that you are not the only currently active JW struggling with these kinds of issues and questions. I can't help but think, in time, that things will become clearer, one way or the other.

  • NameWithheld

    I have to say, the shear mind-numbing boredom and drudgery of the meetings and assemblys may be one of the WTBTS's biggest losing points now. The message is the same thing over and over, and many thinking persons eventually begin to severely resent/hate the meetings. If they don't lighten up or freshen up (very unlikely) the format, more and more thinking people are going to keep walking. (Leaving them the dregs of scociety - which seems to already be the case in many areas).

    But they can't lighten up, since the mind-numbing is part of the thought control process - if they allow more freedoms the people will wise up - so it's quite a catch-22 for them. That was a big thing for me. I simply got to where I hated the meetings so much I just didn't go. Problem solved!

  • troubled

    Neonmadman (Tom),

    Good post, and alot to mull over. Thanks

  • Leander

    I appreciate all the responses, I don't feel like I'm the only one with these issues.

    Troubled - I guess you and I are in a similar situation. I too feel like some things being taught are correct, in fact there are many positive aspects that I can think of. But on the other hand I can think of just as many negative ones. I realize some things I have problems with can be overlooked or maybe because of my own imperfections. However there are some serious issues within this organization that need to be adjusted if this really is the truth.

    Namewithheld - I could'nt agree more about some of thr programs being mind-numbing. The last district assembly I spent most of the time in the car pretending to listen to the program on the radio but I was really catching up on a few science fiction novels.

    I must say though I do enjoy it when a good speaker comes to give the public talk. Its a rare thing these days

  • SixofNine
    However there are some serious issues within this organization that need to be adjusted if this really is the truth.

    Doesn't that bother you? I mean, you know so much of it is not "the truth", and yet, there is that word, TRUTH. In fact, you know that most of what has been taught you as "the truth" is in fact, opinion.

    Doesn't it make you want to get very far away from an organization that uses the word truth in that way?

    What is your personal standard for honesty, and do you rachet your standard up a few notches when God is involved, or do you lower your standards. I submit that to remain a witness, one has to have a pretty low standard regarding honesty where topics of God are concerned. I know I did, although I did not realize it, having been raised in the truth.

  • Seeker4

    Leander (and Troubled),

    You folks remind me of where I was about five years ago. I had been an MS or elder for 25 years or so. Stepped down in the early '90's, and found myself wondering about all the things you've brought up.

    The dress, grooming, music, sex, prophecy stuff just repeats over and over. As you were told, every new music is condemned by the Society, only to find the position relaxing as the music becomes more mainstream and accepted. All the comments about being counseled for a too short haircut, a too loose suit, ANYTHING new, brought back lots of memories. Such attempts at control and conformity. I used to tell the brothers in my talks that one of the saddest aspects of the organization was the constant confusion between conformity and unity.

    I also struggled for some time with reconciling what I saw with what I knew the Truth should be like. I too hoped for reform, and was encouraged to write to the Society to help make changes. But I had been enough of an insider to know that things were not going to change, and what happened to people who tried to make a change.

    It may seem impossible now (it certainly did to me for years), but there is no way you are going to remain JWs. You are not going to see change or reform or a closer conformity to the truth. You may find, as I did, that some specific thing will come along and force you to make the decision to get out. With me it was the generation change in the mid-90's. That was such a blatant cover-up move on the WTS's part that it simply made me sick. It took a few more years for me to get out, but I haven't been to a KH except perhaps two times in the last three years. I just walked away, and very few regrets.

    ALL of the things you wrote about bothered me as well. This is not going to become any easier. These things won't change for the better. I agree that you should move slowly and thoughtfully, but I think I can tell you without any doubts on my part that you are on your way out of the Witnesses.

    Welcome - it's a great big wonderful world out here - despite the WTS's dire warnings to the contrary. You'll love it!!



    Theres only one thing that bothers me about WBTS..Their still in business...OUTLAW

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