If you found yourself sitting next to a GB member on a plane...

by slimboyfat 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    I would ask him to share with me from his copy of the Bible exactly what was the Good News that the early church actually preached that is documented in the New Testament.

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    He might recognize me. Or maybe not. Either way, I would not hold back that I am a former JW. If he would want to shun me, let him get up and move. I will be friendly and talk. Maybe it could create a wedge in the cognitive dissonance.

    I dont shun JWs... they can shun me all they want but I dont shun them. The onus is on them.

  • burningbridges

    I would not let on about my history with the witnesses (oh but wouldn't the spirit "testify to my spostate identity"? he he) I would feign that my brother was a witness and that was where I got my knowledge, from his witnessing to me, then I would drill the hell out of him.... I would bomb him with all the hard question I could think of

    Why does your organization say that it was 607 when all evidence proves otherwise? Are you claiming that GOd himself left out of the bible evidence of another king in the line, as well as all hisotrians have neglected to find evidence of one not listed? ONly the watchtower alone has this knowedge? God forgot to put it in the bible?

    Despite alleged worlde unity, why were individuals in other countries allowed to purchase party cards illegally and also allowed to do alternative service for the military while husbands and fathers in other lands were killed and jailed for the stand that you forced them to take?

    Why is it that you demand parents to allow their children to die for laws pertaining to dietary laws when Jesus himself make expceptions to laws regarding these laws for sacrafices to the priests and healing on the sabbath? Was not our lord a god of forgiveness and mercy? Do you know the term "bloodguilt"?

    Why does the WT society continuously misrepresent scholars in their statements in their books by only citing parts of what they say, thus misrepresenting what they originally said, for example, the reasoning book section on the cross where a refrence is made to the cross. The section cites a scholar who states that criminals were crusified this way (on stakes) then completely leaves out the next few paragraphes which state that however, that was by far the least most common method and by far outdated by the time christ was living.

    By now he'd probably not talk to me.... but you get the hint..... I would show no mercy.... I have much anger at these men and their deliberate and intentional misaplication on the scriptures for thier own power trips. I am sickened at their twisting of God s word. They disqust me. I might even spit on him. But that wouldn't be Christian, which I still am. Hence the reason I looked into the Witnesses in the first place, for my spiritual need...


  • StAnn

    I would take my ink pen and shove it through his eyeballs and into his brain and then sit there, eating my in-flight meal with his dying carcass next to me. I'd have no regrets.

    (This is a hypothetical question, so I can dream!)


  • sir82

    I would love to hear an explanation of how some blood fractions are clearly unacceptable, and anyone who receives them is worthy of everlasting destruction, while other blood fractions are perfectly acceptable and carry no repercussions whatsoever. Why did they draw the line were they did? And why don't they explain to anyone else why they drew the line there?

  • free2beme

    I might talk to him, but between him taking a crap in his depends and having to be spoon fed his lunch, I doubt he would know who I was or what I was saying.

  • sir82
    between him taking a crap in his depends and having to be spoon fed his lunch

    Actually most of the dinosaurs have died off. 2/3 are under age 70. "New anointed" and all that.

  • av8orntexas

    The WTS has a 'corporate contract' with our airline since we have a good number of flights out of new jersey and I can tell you for a FACT that a number of brothers have called returning to beth-HELL and demanding free trips for a delyed bag. I understand the delay,but we're not flying you to Paris when you flew to Miami for the weekend for a wedding. they have no IDEA i know who they are, and how the 'witness' that they give to me in their actions

    This one brother was like I fly you all the time...looked up his pnr an thats what lead me to see the the WTS paid for his trip...yet he was making out like he was dropping major money.

    To answer the question..yes...I've sat next to brothers in 1st and if the R & F only knew how they got to conventions......freeloaders.

  • frankiespeakin

    I would try real hard to make sure I eat and drank anything I could so I would be able to puked on him really good before we got off the plane and eat all the beans I could if they were on the menu.

  • jaguarbass

    I wouldnt waste my energy on a GB they have a vested interest. Their not going to give up their cushy simple life to be a greeter and wallmart.

    I'd like to be sitting in a plane next to Buck Dharma.

    Because he is living. I could name about 10 dead musicians I'd like to be sitting next to.

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