I know with me I was never encouraged to go to college (I go to community college right now, lol! Shut ups, it's somthing. I'll transfer out soon enough) and my teachers were alwasy encouraging me to try; it really sucked. I had no idea what to even do about college, everybody was in my ear saying how bad it is, and I just gave up on thinking about a future. Armageddon is coming and I wont make it, or I'm not smart enough type crap so I really stop trying in school. But for me, 'stop trying' just meant I got all Bs (and one or two C's). It's really sad when folks do not encouraged people to 'grow' you know? college just may not be for everybody but... I can tell you that just from going to community college it is what you make out of it. You can screw up and you'll still be there years later but if you have a plan than it can be actually quite good; instead of wasting thousands going to a university just to take prerequisites, you can do that crap at a community college where (yes they do treat you like a freshman..in middle school!) but you get that crap out of the way and move onto better stuff.
I hope she one day changes your mind and I'm sorry you are so down about this. You never know...send her some emails about some good universities where he can go 'part-time'. part-time does not seem so threatening and lts her believe she's in control. then Satan can take over and guide her mind aright