Anybody Who Would Like My Wife and My Contact Information - Please P.M. Me

by flipper 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    So it goes. I guess we have to accept the inevitable. I for one will certainly miss this site . But I understand if Simon and his family are being threatened . It's not worth losing the privacy and protection for your families sake. The interchange of friendships and camaraderie here have been great. That being said - I'm sure there are other sites we can go to and join in helping others exit the mind controlling cult Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as receive support and have good discussions ! Any ideas on sites out there to go to by any of you ?

    So, I have many of your phone numbers, and contact information. Probably about 30 to 40 of you at least. If you would like to give me your contact information to stay in touch, please P.M. me on this site. Or if you'd like my wife and my phone number, we will P.M. it to you ! Just say the word ! I've enjoyed getting to know you folks- and because I don't know what time frame Simon is giving for closing this site down- I'd like to get a jump start on making contacts ! So take care my friends - we will keep in touch ! Peace out and good night now ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • sweetstuff

    You have a pm Mr. Flipper.

    And ditto what Flip said, if you want to keep in touch with me, P.M.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I have your contact info...sent you an email the other day... never heard back Of course, I am lousy at phone calls, so its even, eh?

    You have been a great support on this board Mr. Flipper.... you and your wife are genuinely nice, caring folks...

    Snakes ()

  • AnneB
    Anybody Who Would Like My Wife and My Contact Information...

    Mr. Flipper, please! The situation is not so dire that you need to give away your wife!

    Contact information, perhaps, but I beg of you...keep your wife for yourself!

  • mrsjones5

    you have my info but silly me left yours in my pm box and it's now me

  • Akira

    What happened?

  • Rooster

    I thought you were selling your wife @ 1st!

  • OnTheWayOut
    I thought you were selling your wife @ 1st!

    From what you've told me, I would like your wife.
    I already have your contact info. and you have mine.

    We need to stay in touch with our new friends. Strength in numbers.

    I have tried explaining JW stuff to others who never were in. They don't
    get it fully like you all do.

    Mr. and Mrs. Flipper are great people.

  • Quirky1

    WTF....Waddya mean Simon is closing the site??? I know I haven't been posting much lately but this is the first I heard of it!

  • flipper

    SWEETSTUFF- We got your info- and you have my wife and my info ! Thanks sis !

    SNAKES- Sorry I didn't write you back or call Snakes - I have been so busy with work burning the midnight oil and candle at the same time- exhausted really. Haven't had time to breathe lately ! But I will call you in the next few days guy ! Peace.

    ANNE B.- That's hilarious ! I guess I did write the title of this thread kind of quirky , didn't I ? I was in such a hurry to put the thread up to get contacts with people, I didn't pay attention ! I'd never give my wife away ! Love her too much !

    MRS. JONES- I will call you tonight to give you our phone number and contact info ! Thanks !

    AKIRA- The board is shutting down- see Simon's thread.

    ROOSTER- Nah ! I would never sell my wife ! She is so valuable - nobody could pay me what she is worth ! She's priceless !

    OTWO- You are a good friend and good people too ! We will stay close in touch !

    QUIRKY- Thanks for the PM response ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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