They say that with any trip the destination's not important but rather the journey itself.
During my journey out of the WTS and thru my time on this site here are some of the people who have caught my attention in one way or another even though I never really interacted with them.
I posted this list on Simon's thread announcing that JWD was winding down but then i thought about it and decided to start a topic because I want to make sure these people see that I'm thinking of them and that they meant something to me even though we never met.
"Posters I'll miss (or is this another thread yet?)
Grace (Mouthy) was the first person to talk to me here. I always love to read her down to earth and charming posts. She has quite a sense of humour and is very wise, everyone's granny.
Blondie: I always appreciated how quiet and dignified, yet direct and to the point her posts are. Just like the quiet person at a dinner party who doesn't say much but when she does speak she commands immediate attention and respect.
Hortensia: I loved that her avatar was the suits the name perfectly
Purplesofa: Always the picture of respectability and class
Outlaw: Always a riot
JCannon: Who will I roll my eyes at now??? LOL
STR8 Spaghetti...for adding that extra sparkle.
Who else can I think of...Hope4others, Mr. Flipper, Minimus, finallyfree, littlerockguy, honesty, loubelle, VM44, Mary, dawg, Leolaia, gopher, snakes, voideater, burn the ships, Mickey Mouse, White dove, ....OMG there are dozens many to be missed.
Hell, I'll even miss JunctionGuy...not sure why but I will.
I'm sure I'll be adding more as I think of them.