alternate ex-jw forum

by Ronnie38 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ronnie38

    Hi all,

    I did get an email this morning regarding the status of JWD. And yes, it did catch me by surprise.

    For those who don't know, we do have an alternate exjw forum at:

    Our site has been around since 2004, but there has been no permanent link to it here, so I wanted to let people know about it who might not have been aware before now. We are a support and friends site for exjw's, those considering leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses, or those simply who are interested in the org.

    Having been posting on exjw boards since March 2002, I do say in advance that I feel for any uprooting process. It seems to happen once in a while in the exjw forum world that I've seen. The site above will be open for a long time to come.

    I myself used to post on one of the original ex-jw boards called 'beyond jw' that was run by Timothy Campbell. That one closed the doors quite some time ago and we did spin off from it. I have posted myself primarily on those 2 boards, but we do welcome all.



  • FlyingHighNow

    I used to read at Beyond JW back in 2001. Thank you.

  • Finally-Free

    Hey Ron, how are you? It's been a while.

    I started on Tim's forum too.


  • Ronnie38


    Wow, it has been a while!

    You may or may not remember, but we were the last 2 people (besides Tim) to post on beyond jw. :-) It must have been about 3 years ago or so.

    All is going great actually. I went through some really rough times in the past, but the last couple years especially have been great----going in positive directions with my life. Considering how things were going at one time, I am very grateful for that.

    Seen Carrie lately?

    Flyinghighnow---Nice to see you. That was right before I joined----I am sure though we remember some people in common. :-)

  • Vinny

    Hello Ronnie,

    I already posted the link as well. And yours was the first site I found and joined. There is some good info there. I also like the "Tell Your Story" board. Many others have found that board to be very helpful.

    But you have also allowed an almost rabid atheist base to flourish there. One cannot even mention the bible, God or anything similar, even casually, without getting attacked along the way.

    Plus, still active JW's do not need to see such an unwelcoming group of God bashers. It just sends many running back to the borg for cover.

    Just click on the debate board for yourself right now and you will see nothing has changed.

    I have debated the atheists many times over there already. It's easy enough to do.

    But who wants to have to do that every time you mention your faith in God?

    Any EX JW site should remember that respect and tolerance for all beliefs should be mandatory.

    And sorry to say, that is NOT the case on your site right now, nor when I was there a couple years ago. And being a smaller site than this, you feel the anti-God atmosphere immediately and often.

    Just telling you how it is.

    Despite that being the case, there are some nice features and people as well.

    All the best,


    (vktfree over there)

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Sounds great. I'll check it out.



  • caliber

    This forum looks very interesting I all ready pick up a phrase I like there...

    Learn for yesterday.... live for today... hope for tomorrow

    I am still in state of disbelief and shock from the big announcement ....

    Three is always for emphasis !!!!!!!!!!! ( I have a ache in my heart )


  • Ronnie38

    Hey Vinny,

    First, thanks for posting the link---one of the other forum members mentioned that to me and I just found out at about the same time.....

    I do appreciate the feedback on the debate board and in allowing a more theist along with atheist balance. That has been a troublesome issue to balance out in the past. The forum guidelines that we have over there do state that all beliefs need to be shown proper respect, but I suppose in practice, it could also use more of a look at.

    One main idea we've had is just to make sure no preaching goes on since new exjw's especially need time to let the air clear before having more beliefs inadvertently pushed on them.

    I actually haven't had much feedback on that one, so thank you for mentioning it. As always, I promise to see if it can be done. I don't see why not, but it will just require that people do show the proper respect for alternate belief systems.

    Hi White Dove and Caliber....nice to meet you all.

  • Vinny

    Wow, didn't expect that response Ronnie.

    I truly appreciate your thoughts and fully agree with them.

    Atheists can find atheist forums to go to.

    Bible thumpers can do the same.

    An EX JW site should me primarily about just that, IMO.

    Sharing and discussing what one believes is far different than PUSHING ON OTHERS what one believes or ATTACKING THOSE that believe differently.

    And yes it would make a huge difference for myself and probably many others.

    Thanks for posting this. I will be sure to follow up and check back in over there soon.

    Take care,


  • caliber


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