Zagor gets my "Shrink of the Year" award!.......................oompa
I am a ship without a
by oompa 20 Replies latest jw friends
Call if you need another friendly ear.
We are a family, brother. We are not without our support.We can find our way.
Wasanelder Once
Leaving the hive is tough if you still have the drone mentality. We had it hammered in our heads that we were one of many and that it is our lot in life to hum about collecting for the queen bee. Now we have found ourselves without the collective. We are now the arbiters of our own future. This realization is discovered at different stages in life by people, some early and some late. It's all connected with our mortality. The best thing to do is plan for the end by living today. Oomp, you're a clever fellow and will see it I'm sure. The thought that we will be alone is most troubling. You are not alone. When this site takes a dive you will find some of us out there and new people who will value you. Enjoy the ride. Seen any good movies? W.Once
I know where you are coming from Oompa...I have to fight against feelings of depression, not fitting in and a lack of esteem . Life's a load of S****t really, we just pretend that it isn't . I have always held my head above water,just !..
I gather that your problems are worse than mine anyway so i am not claiming to understand everything . But I know where you are coming from.
not afraid of death at least that is now an unknown adventure
I have thought that too.
As Witnesses our minds did not wander as much.....cause we KNEW exactly where we were....and where we were going....and what was going to happen SOON! We had all the frikkin answers!!! Nowadays, even those still in must be concerned that the current JW news is pretty much we dont know ANY of the above things. Those things were part of the rudder..........What is there to center your life now?...........I just don't care about most things anymore...................oompa
Having beliefs and having all the answers is much overrated. It's a tremendous step down, a minideath to lose ones belief system and answers. It also surprises people when they find out that they can still live ok lives without beliefs. Belief systems are a construct of the ego. The ego is itself a construct of the mind. As such, they are artificial and subject to change and destruction.
Ps, welcome to the lost ones;) -
even though I'm 15 yrs faded it still has its effects on me....but it's slowly going away......takes time....probably a lot more time for me than a lot of people....
And the thing is that they DO NOT know what is going to happen next. NO ONE knows. I broke my crystal ball so I don't know anymore eitherSometimes I have that niggling thing of "maybe they're right"....I detest those feelings. But somewhere in these posts someone said "I'd rather die free than live a slave". That works for me right now.
One thing I have done is to get involved in volunteer work. I do animal rescue. And it's wonderful in the way that animals appreciate and love you for who you are NOT what they think you should be.
And death is now open to possibilities.....afterlife or whatever but then again oblivion isn't the worst thing either.........
hang in there Oompa!! I really enjoy reading your posts!!!!!!
What is there to center your life now?...........I just don't care about most things anymore...................oompa
The center of my life now, is simply enjoying every moment I have, knowing no one is promised a tomorrow, having fun with my kids, making time for those I love. I think if you stop looking for the "meaning" or "rudder" in your life and just focus on enjoying the small things in life, you'll soon have the answers you seek.
sweetstuff: just focus on enjoying the small things in life,
oh my....that sound like the babysteps approach....and i think i like it....I now make you co-shrink of the year with Zagor....cause I like his approach I will put the two styles together.............thanks............oompa
oh my....that sound like the babysteps approach....and i think i like it....I now make you co-shrink of the year with Zagor....cause I like his approach I will put the two styles together.............thanks............oompa
LOL, consider that the sign from gods ;)