Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 08-10-08 WT Study (FLEE)
by blondie 13 Replies latest jw friends
I get a reprieve from "study" this week. Hubby did bother to quote the daily reading today, where JW's are encouraged to "show empathy" at funerals and the like. Suggesting perhaps that is not the proper time for a full-blown presentation.
You think?
Notice how JW's are to "show empathy" rather than "have empathy". One cannot having them care too much about regular people, can one?
It is tough news I am sure, Blondie, about losing this forum. I've had the advantage of two extra days of mourning. I have a little more time to adjust to the news.
Among those coming to see John were self-righteous Jewish religious leaders who felt no need to repent. They looked down on the common people who were getting baptized in symbol of repentance.
"....When a change comes it should come from the proper source, the head of the organisation, the governing body, not from the bottom upwards..."-----legal counsel for the Society, Haydon C. Covington testifying at the Douglas Walsh trial in November 1954
Except for the 2,000 year time frame, is there really any difference between the hypocritical Pharisees and the Governing Body members?
Fearlessly, John exposed those hypocritical leaders: "You offspring of vipers, who has intimated to you to flee from the coming wrath? So then produce fruit that befits repentance."-Matt. 3:7, 8.
Actually, there is a difference. The Pharisees didn’t disfellowship people for speaking their minds as there’s no record of John getting the axe after lambasting them to their faces. Gee, I wonder what would happen if you or I went up to Ted Jaracz and called him an "offspring of viper" to his face?
Today, there are hundreds of conflicting religions in the realm of Christendom.
Of which, Jehovah’s Witnesses are just one of many.
The Bible pointed to the rise of Christendom's clergy, describing them collectively as "the man of lawlessness" and "the son of destruction whom the Lord Jesus will do away with and bring to nothing by the manifestation of his presence."
And of course, they have absolutely no evidence whatsoever that this "man of lawlessness" is talking about Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Baptists, Mennonites, Mormons, but since when has that ever stopped them from making outlandish claims before?
7. Christendom's clergy are lawless in that they have misled millions by promoting teachings, holidays, and behavior contrary to the Bible.
So when Christendom’s clergy make false claims, and teach erroneous doctrines, they’re destined for destruction. Yet when the ‘Slave Class" makes false claims and teaches erroneous doctrines, we can 'thank the lord, even for the error'. Here is another quote from the above mentioned trial regarding the doctrine that the Organization held at one time that Jesus returned in 1874:
A. That was the publication of a false prophesy, it was a false statement or an erroneous statement in fulfillment of a prophesy that was false or erroneous .
Q. And that had to be believed by the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses?
A. Yes, because you must understand we must have unity, we cannot have disunity with a lot of people going every way, an army is supposed to march in step.Soooooo, how exactly are they any different than any other religion???
False religion has a long history of supporting the political rulers of this world.........Additional "disgusting things" include acts of pedophilia and other forms of sexual immorality committed by clergymen and tolerated by the church authorities.
From the Society’s own webpage:
Jehovah’s Witnesses care for victims of child abuse
For the sake of the victims in these cases, we are pleased that a settlement has been reached. www.jw-media.org/newsroom/index.htmI find the above statement the most repulsive and hypocritical out of the entire article. Since the Writing Dept. knows full well that the Organization settled a multi-million dollar law suit with victims of pedophilia within the Borg, it is inexcusable and incredible that they still have the balls to try and point the finger at the Catholic Church for the very offense that they themselves are guilty of.
True Christians, who know this, have an obligation to warn members of Babylon the Great.
Which of course, is why Barbara Anderson and others gave of their time and effort in exposing the WTS for harboring pedophiles for decades. They indeed feel "an obligation to warn members" of what their leaders like to hide.
One way they do so is by distributing Bibles and related literature published by "the faithful and discreet slave,"
....which promote bizarre teachings that could cost you your family, life long friends or even your very life if you dare to question them.
Can you think of Bible examples of individuals whose relationship with God was damaged by "the love of monev" or the love of nonessential things that money can buy?
This, coming from a multi-billion dollar corporation that doesn’t even promote a local soup kitchen for the homeless?
Whether we arc young or old, refusal to listen to people who try to mislead us shows that we want to be counted among Jesus' sheeplike followers who "flee from ... the voice of strangers." (John 10:5)
Of course, this is the most bonehead advise they could possibly give. Where would Christianity be today had not the disciples and earliest followers of Jesus listened to "the voice of [a] stranger", namely Jesus himself? Many of his ideas did not conform to what the Pharisees were teaching, the average person had no idea who Jesus was until he began his ministry and he would have been viewed as a "stranger" by the vast majority of Jews. I’m sure the Pharisees probably gave the exact same advise to the average Jew 2,000 years ago: ‘don’t listen to the voice of strangers......just believe us, no one else.’
thanks for your comments.it finally hit me.what a mind controlling instrument the watchtower study is.read the paragraph -answer the question from the paragraph.i could sense the relief in the audience when it was finaly over.i also got a kick out of how some would interject there own rigid views into their comments.now that i am progressing in rel bible truth-i can see right through their format of the lesson.gods wrath is waiting for you if you do not do what they are bringing out.salvation depends on obedience to the wts.
They remind me of the war days when the Chinese used water torture on the heads of their victims, pow's, while they were strapped down.
They, the watchtower's so-called spiritual water, they keep on dripping unto the heads of their captives while they are strapped into their chairs at the kingdom Hall.
One drip at a time, slowly. this must be torturous to some of them. They must flee from what the society itself does not flee from. They must flee into the Kingdom Halls.
They can't have a life of their own.
I have bad news for them. There is nothing for worldly people to flee from. That is, except religion that teaches people to sacrifice money, time, and energy to serve some Almighty Lowlife Scumbag that may choose to not reward them or that might block every opportunity for them to have a happy life.
As for fleeing the aforementioned things, I hardly need a washtowel to tell me when Jehovah Himself is using force of circumstances to prevent me from reaching many or all of those things. Many of which are actually good for myself, society, or both. That means that Jehovah is actually immoral, preventing me from doing what is good for myself or society. And making it all the more difficult to flee from the Washtowel Slaveholdery to the point where recapture would lead to a judicial hearing instead of forced field circus and being hosted by one of those cockroach witlesses.
I realised today that one thing I will really miss is Blondie's Watchtower review.I have to attend frequently to assist my unwell wife who still has the blinkers on...This thread at least gives some reason to look at the stuff, and I amuse myself looking for points to post up later...What now?
And WT Wizard, I will even miss your polemics against "Washtowel Slaveholdery " . I could never write like that ,You make me chuckle.
So to todays study : Fleeing from "The coming Wrath"
11. True Christians, who know this, have an obligation to warn members of Babylon the Great. One way they do so is by distributing Bibles and related literature published by "the faithful and discreet slave,"So their material is on a par with Scripture ? what is more important to the dub? They would never get to the conclusions from The Bible alone whom Jesus or read 'self' appointed to provide spiritual "food at the proper time." (Matt. 24:45) When individuals show an interest in the Bible's message, arrangements are made to help them by means of a Bible study. Hopefully, they will see the need to "flee out of the midst of Babylon" before it is too late.-Rev. 18:4.Their utter dismissive condemnation of other Christians is, I can see, now an evidence of an unchristian arrogance and cult behaviour. Thankfully most people can see the same.
13. God's Word also exposes subtle forms of idolatry. For example, it calls covetousness "idolatry." (Col. 3:5) To covet means to desire what is forbidden, such as another person's possessions. (Ex. 20:17) The angel who became Satan the Devil developed a covetous desire to resemble the Most High and to be worshipped. (Luke 4:5-7) This led him to rebel against Jehovah and to seduce Eve into coveting something God had forbidden. In a sense, Adam also committed idolatry by allowing his selfish desire for his wife's companionship to be more important than obedience to his loving heavenly Father. In contrast, all who want to flee God's day of wrath must give him The WTS exclusive devotion and resist any such covetousness. So any other commitment or desire is "selfish covetousness". If you love your family above all else you are an idolator?
17.The root of the problem may have been "the love of money," which can hav'e a bad effect on anyone, rich or poor.-1 Tim. 6:1. 2. 5, 9, .So the poor man who misses meetings to earn enough to feed his family is a lover of money?
So what is the article teaching us brothers? The conductor might ask. Serve The Borg above all else , the only way to escape slaughter . I am so glad that the veil has fallen from my eyes.
Q 1. What are some Bible examples of fleeing?
Was the "sin" confronting Joseph, fornication? What about his older brother Judah having sex with a "prostitute" which turned out to be his daughter-in-law, Tamar? Was Judah counseled to have fleed or excused because under the Mosaic Law adultery was a capital punishment, a property issue, but fornication was not? Notice how the WTS weasels out of this.
*** w73 6/15 p. 383 Questions From Readers ***
Was it not wrong for Judah to have relations with a woman he thought to be a harlot, as the Bible says that he did?—U.S.A.As far as Judah was concerned, he thought he was having relations with a prostitute. In this he was not acting right, for it was God’s original purpose for a man to have relations with his wife and not for the earth to be filled with prostitutes. Still, Judah did not sin in the sense of transgressing a specific command of God’s law, for the Mosaic law was not given until much later.—Gen. 2:24; compare Leviticus 19:29.
The WTS says that Joseph knew she was the wife of the man who fully trusted him, so the sin would be
adultery on her part and his contribution to that. Also, you cannot violate the trust that your master has
in you- that's a cult reminder to those members under the FDS masters and their elder-undermasters.Judah is a tough write-up for the WTS. They are stuck with the example in the Bible.
Their watered-down answer that he did not transgress a specific command of God's law is a great
answer that faders or WTS-quitters can use at their JC if they are called to the carpet.
But, as we know well, WTS will not accept the same excuse from members that they give to Judah.3. John was not speaking of a physical flight. He was warning of a coming judgment, a day of wrath; and he put the religious leaders on notice that if they were to escape during that day, they would need to produce fruit that proved their repentance. Later, Jesus fearlessly denounced the religious leaders-their murderous attitude showed that their real father was the Devil. (John 8:44) Strengthening John's earlier warning, Jesus called them" offspring of vipers" and asked: "How are you to flee from the judgment of Gehenna?" (Matt. 23:33) What did Jesus mean by "Gehenna"?
Who will put the religious leaders of the WTS on notice, that they have "prophesied" events that did not come to pass in the name of God?
Excellent response to the WTS, Blondie. Go girl.
We cannot be afraid to question the religious leaders.
Q 7. Why does the expression "man of lawlessness" fit Christendom's clergy?
7. Christendom's clergy are lawless in that they have misled millions by promoting teachings, holidays, and behavior contrary to the Bible.
Has the WTS promoted teachings, holidays, and behavior contrary to the Bible?
A couple of great examples, Blondie. Readers should be able to think of more.
Q 10. "Babylon the Great" is responsible for what sort of "disgusting things"?
10. Today, billions of humans are involved in various forms of false religion that can be traced back to ancient Babylon.
Actually what the WTS is saying is that every religion except the WTS are part of Babylon the Great and are disgusting.
I recently had to explain to an elder relative that I was no longer a practicing JW. She
was never a JW, had no real understanding of JW's, but was upset that I was no longer
going to "church." She made statements that basically said "All roads lead to Christ if
you believe and practice a Christian faith."I had to explain how JW's don't even teach respect for other religions. They teach that
Catholics, Lutherans, Jews, Protestants, Buddists, etc. are all serving SATAN and will
have their members destroyed.I further explained that they use their own Bible when she felt that they still use the Bible,
therefore must be a good Christan religion. Two examples I gave of their own Bible- the
use of obscure ancient Greek definitions such as "parousia" and the term for "in private
homes." JW's teach that Jesus has already had his second coming and is invisibly
present. They further teach that the apostles insisted on a "house-to-house" ministry and
anyone not involved in it was in false religion.It's stuff like this that makes me sad that our little JWD community is disbanding. People
don't understand that JW's are not just another fundy religion. We get it, and we help
each other cope.I wish you well wherever you post, Blondie. I will surely stay in contact with you, but may
not make the transition to a new forum very well. I will register and check in with some of the
new places, but it will never be the same. -
but it will never be the same.
I have to agree. As an example, I also belong to a motorcycle forum. I often find myself comparing that forum to JWD even though it has nothing to do with jw'ism. I really like that JWD keeps all active topics 'bumped to the top' based on the most recent postings. I enjoy the color background of jwd as it is easy on my eyes for reading. The member directory and the search function work quite well compared to the motorcycle forum I belong to.
Overall, I enjoy how this forum is set up and managed and that is something I will miss along with the community that has developed here.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Blondie, another fine consideration of a craptastic Botchtower lesson.
para. 7 ...let us consider events that followed an earlier destruction of Jerusalem, in 607 B.C.E.
Ah yes, another plug for the invisible destruction of Jerusalem in 607. Which was followed 20 years later by the actual, literal destruction of Jerusalem, which is ignored by the bOrg since it doesn't fit the chronology of their 1914 invisible armageddon.
Q 11. Until Babylon the Great is destroyed, true Christians have what obligation?11. True Christians, who know this, have an obligation to warn members of Babylon the Great. One way they do so is by distributing Bibles and related literature published by "the faithful and discreet slave," whom Jesus appointed to provide spiritual "food at the proper time." (Matt. 24:45) When individuals show an interest in the Bible's message, arrangements are made to help them by means of a Bible study.
Once again it is time to misapply Matt. 24:45 to give some guys in Brooklyn god-like authority. And again the proofreaders have goofed... JWs don't have Bible studies, they have Book studies.
Q 13. We need to flee from what subtle forms of idolatry? 13. God's Word also exposes subtle forms of idolatry. For example, it calls covetousness "idolatry." (Col. 3:5)
What Paul says there has never made a lot of sense to me. Idolatry was a sin under the 10 commandments. Covetousness was also a sin under the 10th commandment. Why blur the lines between covetousness and idolatry, they're both sins? Paul seems to just liked to hear himself blabber on and on about such things, having been a Pharisee and all. Since the bOrg can't actually motivate the sheeples to be better, it's much easier for them to use this Pauline gibberish to make blanket condemnation and try to guilt the sheeples into doing more for the collective.
As far as the situation of immorality differing between Joseph and Judah, it simply called "a double standard". Men, like Judah, can boink as many unmarried women as they want. Women, either married or single, are property. If she's single and boinks a man, she either has to marry him or she's a whore. If she's married, like Mrs. Potiphar, and boinks another man, she's the worst of the worst and should be dead.
Once again at the lesson today, not many were really paying much attention. An hour after the study, few would have been able to recall the theme.
B the X