Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing?
Why? or why not?
Will it solve the world's problems?
Do you believe it can happen?
Do you believe it will happen?
by cameo-d 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There are too many cultural divisions. If you could theoretically have an official world religion, you'd still have so many interpretations that nothing would be 'improved' over the current situation.
There is no magic bullet to solve the world's problems. However, "Zero world religions" would be a major step in the right direction. Spirituality needn't be a group affair. Beliefs and philosophies need not be regulated or dictated by some governing body or guru.
If it is an invention of man, then it would be terrible. If it is an intervention from God, it would be grand. I don't see how any one religion could convince all others of its being correct without forced conversion (bad). So if it were to be correct, and non-coercive, it would have to be from God and in a manner that is clearly discernable to all. I do think it will happen.
Can't happen. You will always have those that believe in God and those that do not. Of those that do believe, there will always be those that feel he is actively involved and those that think he is not. And so on. It may be possible in centuries of a global economy and education system for people to come to realise that the creator of the Muslims is the same as the creator of the Christians and the same as the Jewish creator, and so come to a mutual acceptance of each other. But the Eastern concepts of God are very different, so I cannot imagine them all coming together as one. I do hope with education that the bigotry religion causes disappears.
Any religion that makes people believe in an almighty Being that is maximally benevolent and that will take care of them, while at the same time making ridiculous demands and/or specious excuses for why He is shirking His self-given responsibility, is going to be crap. There is no way such religion can but start another Dark Ages, just like the Catholic church did when they attempted to go worldwide.
The only way a one world religion could possibly be is if it were IMPOSED on everybody. This means by force. I don't like the sound of this.
My experience has made me very turned off by religion in general and I doubt if I would ever be interested again.