This world is a beautiful place!

by Sparkplug 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    It was amazing! And Hello!

    Thursday night I took baby photos of a little baby that just had open heart surgery and is just now out of the hospital. To see the results of this miracle after taking this couples wedding and engagement was touching. And to see that baby strong in spirit and most assuredly the "mama" of the house was inspiring. What a complete honor to get to take her photos. A true little princess.

    Friday night I had a surprise call and was asked to shoot photos at the African American museum of art. The kids in the play outdid themselves and it was very uplifting to be a part of. I followed it up by a handmade meal made for me. Then I stayed up all night, working just to get a call at 6AM right when I was going to sleep..

    I got invited at the last minute to be a part of one of the most beautiful things in life. I was asked to go into the delivery room of my good friend and take photos of the birth of her grandchild. What an honor!! I enjoyed it so much and wanted to tell everyone that we just had a baby! I was looking to candy cigars to hand out I was so explosive with love!

    Then, I drove to Austin and as I started out on the radio came a song that I had just hours before asked my friend to sing live for me. I had spoken how I had not heard it in forever and loved it. She sang it...then hours later I got to hear it out of the blue on the radio. Along the trip I saw saw these amazing birds that kept me entranced for about 1/2 mile. I have never seen anything like this. It looked like millions of birds. Then I arrived where I relaxed as my friend cut 2 singles in the recording studio. I had a heartfelt discussion with this most amazing woman who for some reason just meshed with the train of thought I have been on as of late. It was spirit lifting. Just wonderful to talk to an artist of her caliber and share.

    I was fed some of the best clean food you can imagine and enjoyed cuisine from a different walk of life. I was made fresh and vitamin filled bran muffins with cranberries in it for breakfast and this amazing shake made out of fresh yogurt and Turkish concentrated yogurt, lemon and sea salt. Followed by the best herb filled shake. All the bottles from whole foods with amino acids and such were in it. It tasted so yummy, I could have drank 3 glasses. It started my day just right!!

    Then in the morning, I was privileged to take photos of a intriguing woman in the french nude style. She is seriously beautiful inside and out. I also took some photos for her album she is trying to get together. Then I received a full body massage and healing for about an hour and a half. Rode back here to home and was greeted by my other friend making the most amazing food for me. I felt like Ia princess myself. IT was just nice to be back in town.

    I came home and my daughter was here...which is an accomplishment seeing the last few times I had to leave, this teenage gal of mine had decided to run. So to come home to my household in order with my teenage son also cooking a meal of potato's, broccoli, and grilled chicken for him and his friends...well even better. Just to see it all happening.

    Then I now am sitting here feeling so connected and at peace. Looking through my photos and don't have a clue what to start first. I thought if I spoke how wonderful this all was in words I might be able to organize my thoughts.

    My kids are sleeping and the littlest has a friend over and there was not a fuss at bedtime. All is quiet and all I can hear is this tapping on my keyboard.

    Life is good!!


  • Sparkplug

    Oh yeah, I also got to have writings read to me and earlier the best coffee found in Austin as far as I am concerned. I watched so may people overflowing with joy and love this weekend, I am ready to burst.

  • HAL9000

    And I am so glad to hear of such happiness in your world.

    You deserve it!!

  • Sparkplug

    It was sweet Hal, just pure sweetness. This was topped off by finding out this man in Dallas is serious about seeing my photography for working with him... and getting a few more calls for picture appointments. Maybe my taking a different path more true to my inner self is going to work after all. I am really loving life today.

  • BabaYaga

    WOW, Spark! What an incredible strand of days you have had!!!

    Love to you,

  • Sparkplug


    It is not even just the highlights. I also found out the husband of the director of the play was there and they tour plays nationwide. They want to see what I did with my photos and there may be some more work there.

    It truly has been a wonderful weekend. Added onto the magazine the man who wants to see my portfolio may also be going nationwide with his magazine. I am so stoked!! Whoo Hoo...grin ear to ear!

  • Sparkplug

    I just wanted to wish all of you to have all the joy and love your hearts can hold. It is just delightful to have all the good things in life handed to you for a few days. It really heals. May you all get to experience it.

  • quietlyleaving

    thanks sparkplug


  • zagor

    You deserve it Decki, I always believed in you, and I think things are just starting to turn, sometimes it takes awhile to kick but when it does jolt of acomplishment and inner peace is so much greater than what ordinarily people feel. Keep that inner focus and it will start to overflow.

    I'll drink a special toast in your honor tonight, Cheers!!!

  • Sparkplug

    Oh Zagor! Thank you! I needed that.

    I am looking through the photos of all of this and I could not be happier. Imagine getting to freeze a child's first eye opening and first breath. It was so absolutely pure. I even got a shot of the first breath. Lil girl is turning red in the face and her body was still that pale strange color. Then a few frames over you see her turning pink and each step of the way she is just breathing it all in. Then when she tried to open her eyes, she had a hard time. So I kept clicking frames of each attempt and in between. You can see her squint, then try to use her eyes and then try to open again. She is so precious. Her cord is plumped and it is just amazing. Each shoot I did this weekend, I am very pleased. I think it was because I 'felt' it all. I have a very hard time with still life, but people, I just eat it up.

    The emotion in that room was astounding. It caused a focus in me. I will try to stick to it my friend. Actually...I will stick to it. Speak it so...Speak it so!

    quietlyleaving~ You are so welcome. I mean it all.

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