Are you as sick of all the Whiners,naggers,complainers and cry babies??????

by StoneWall 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • StoneWall

    For goodness sakes people get over it already!
    I can't even read over a thread hardly now without someone almost hi-jacking it with saying something like oh I hope Simon changes his mind about shutting down this board or saying well he shouldn't be on a power trip and just sell it or give it to someone to continue on. He has answered each of these numerous times and each time said NO. What part of NO do you not understand? It's only two lettersa N and an O. It's not rocket science or brain surgery. Simply NO.

    He and his wife have given of themselves for over 8 years and instead of wishing them well and focusing on all the positive things that have been accomplished over the years you cry,moan,b*tch, and complain about he's not doing this end thing the way you want him to. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH... QUIT YOUR CRYIN.

    If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. Instead of whining about every little thing if you're a guy grow some b@lls and be willing to help out with some of the new boards or assist them in some way. Don't set around like a sissy saying crap like well when this board goes I'm just giving up on life and not joining any others. (remember for evil to win all it takes is for good men to do the Org. will like your stance) Get your head out of your arse and do something constructive. Most men feel good about building something up so jump on the ground floor of these new forums and help them pour the concrete so to speak.

    Now if you're one of the gorgeous gals or lovely ladies on this forum here is my suggestion for you. If after a solid week of sobbing uncontrollably and crying at every little thing about the forum shutting down, here is what I want you to do.
    Go into the closest restroom in your house and look intently in the biggest mirror and slap yourself.
    No seriously I mean this, slap yourself as hard as you can thru the face. This is whats known as outside stimulus (stimulation).
    It will be a shock to your senses and help bring you back to reality. It will help you see that this isn't the end of the world and the sun will continue to rise long after the closing of this board. Once you're past this point you will feel so much better and then see how much more you have to offer others than focusing on all this negativety.

    And to all you out there that focus on there can never be another board that can be like this one. I bet also you told people that the end was close years ago and things have never been as bad as they currently are and it can't get much worse and etc. etc.
    Think about it...There are more of us now and many more on the way out of the org. We have new software and technologies that Simon didn't have when he first started this board. So I look at the glass half full not half empty. I believe we can and will surpass even this board if we collectively set our minds to it.
    But all thru life you will have quitters. So they will say crap like we can't do it the mountain is to big to scale.
    Then you will always have people like Sir Edmund Hillary that did what many told him couldn't be done, climbed Mount Everest to the peak simply because it was there.

    My 2 cents worth's worth anyhow,

  • FreudianSlip
    If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.

    Interesting observation considering the purpose of this thread: to whine

  • daniel-p

    Shuttup you goddamn whiner. Quit your complainin' about other people.

  • changeling

    I hear whinning from that yonder castle there...

  • StoneWall

    LOL point illustrated most elloquently!! Kinda ironic huh

  • StoneWall

    But just so you know I am on other boards helping out so I do practice what I preach.
    Just making the point on almost every thread I look at now it gets jacked with the board shutting down..How much more you guys need Simon to re-iterate it for you?????

  • beksbks

    Look man, don't you realize that if this site goes down, or the others don't take off, that I am going to have to get out of my chair??!!! I mean possibly even do the..............*gasp* laundry? Wash a couple of plates and forks (just a couple, there are only two of us after all)?? NOW do you understand how critical this is??

  • Finally-Free

    Hey, shaddup. As long as this board's open, I'm gonna whine. That's why I'm here. Get used to it.


  • StoneWall

    beksbks thx I needed that(heehe)
    It almost like some people really would have to face reality and don't want too.
    They might have to do something else than be here...and face life head on...scary to many evidently.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Anytime there is a death or huge change, people will need talk about it until they can accept the death or change. You will see the amount of discussion die down after people have talked it off their collective chest. You'll be better off if you find some patience.

    Look man, don't you realize that if this site goes down, or the others don't take off, that I am going to have to get out of my chair??!!! I mean possibly even do the..............*gasp* laundry? Wash a couple of plates and forks (just a couple, there are only two of us after all)?? NOW do you understand how critical this is??

    Beks, this is cute. Thanks for the smile. WB, Beks and Changeling. I had read you were gone and was kinda sad.

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