Seems I am not the only one who got hit.
My computer is still acting up even after downloading more security.
Within 30 seconds of clicking on mamasix website link a couple of days ago I ended up with virus.
Then, within a few hours I had 7 Trojan horses.
The virus was HTML/Framer.2
It is not healable. I locked it in vault, but some of these other attachements are still screwing with my machine.
Missing Link said: Have you removed the pop-up viruses yet?
White Dove said:So, will I contract any more viruses by going to your site and posting?
I'm really scared about that.
talley said:The pop up with the virus is a FULL PAGE type pop up, if encounterd do NOT us the red X appearing on the pop up; rather us the red X on your own browser.
And not only that, but when I open your discussion on JWD, those ads seem to follow mama around.
My machine is still messed up and since I am not so tech savvy, this is probably going to cost me money.
Thanks a lot scammer.
quietly leaving:I think a troll means someone who isn't who they say they are - you disappeared for a couple of days but then wha happened came on and said you were moving house. Anyway please forget it - I guess I'm being pararnoid.
Very sorry you guys have lost all that money - hope it wasn't too much.
I think you might be right QL.
So the story was they were moving a few days the story is the phone is being shut off because they can't pay the bills...
mamasix says: One more thing everyone... Some of you may have seen that my phone is getting shut off later today some time, I may lose internet access too. My husband is going to stay up tonight and try to get a new board going before that becomes an issue, but if he can't get it finished in time and we do lose internet we will be offline until Friday when we'll be able to pay the phone bill and get everything turned back on. Again, we are SO VERY SORRY and are doing everything possible to get things back on track again. ~April
oh, the new website infected everybody's computer, so they probably got paid for letting the host do that, plus what kind of donations have been sent to them???
Who has time to start up a website on a moments notice and then commit to it during a move? And esp. when we are just now hearing about this move? I would think a move with 6 kids would take a lot of planning...not drop of hat.