Tell us, in a nutshell, now that we are coming to a close, has this JWD discussion forum helped you to come to a conclusion or does the uncertainty still exist' on the following issues:
God: Does he exist or not, or you still don't know?
Jesus: Was he a real historical person or not? Was or is he God or man or neither?
The Bible: Inspired of God or a history of men written by men?
Creation or Evolution, or a little of both?
Life after death or nothingness?
Much has been written over the years by many believers and non - believers on these, what I consider to be just five main topics.
Have you received any closure on these topics from the many who have posted their thoughts and given their own very personal reasons for such answers?
For me, I'm Agnostic when it comes to the question of God.
When it comes to the question of Jesus, there could of been a man like him in history, I still don't know.
The Bible to me is a historical document written by men.
Creation or evolution? I believe there was a first cause, but, I don't know what or who it or that was.
Life after death or nothingness? I'm still open and for selfish reasons want life to continue.
Those are my thoughts, in a nutshell, from reading and contributing on this JWD discussion forum for 8 years.
One thing I do know for a certainty, is that, The Watchtower Society is a man-made organization and has nothing to do with a spirit-directed organization. It took me 33 years to realize that.
Now, I'm not Minimus, but, just make believe that Minimus asked these questions and not Blueblades and I expect a lot of responses, before we come to a close.