Tell Us, now that we are coming to a close.

by Blueblades 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    Tell us, in a nutshell, now that we are coming to a close, has this JWD discussion forum helped you to come to a conclusion or does the uncertainty still exist' on the following issues:

    God: Does he exist or not, or you still don't know?

    Jesus: Was he a real historical person or not? Was or is he God or man or neither?

    The Bible: Inspired of God or a history of men written by men?

    Creation or Evolution, or a little of both?

    Life after death or nothingness?

    Much has been written over the years by many believers and non - believers on these, what I consider to be just five main topics.

    Have you received any closure on these topics from the many who have posted their thoughts and given their own very personal reasons for such answers?

    For me, I'm Agnostic when it comes to the question of God.

    When it comes to the question of Jesus, there could of been a man like him in history, I still don't know.

    The Bible to me is a historical document written by men.

    Creation or evolution? I believe there was a first cause, but, I don't know what or who it or that was.

    Life after death or nothingness? I'm still open and for selfish reasons want life to continue.

    Those are my thoughts, in a nutshell, from reading and contributing on this JWD discussion forum for 8 years.

    One thing I do know for a certainty, is that, The Watchtower Society is a man-made organization and has nothing to do with a spirit-directed organization. It took me 33 years to realize that.

    Now, I'm not Minimus, but, just make believe that Minimus asked these questions and not Blueblades and I expect a lot of responses, before we come to a close.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    It's helped me become a critically thinking agnostic pagan

  • sf

    OMG, it isn't going anywhere for a good while.

    Could we please re-focus and stop grieving over something that hasn't actually occured yet?

    Time will tell what happens to this forum. But it is still an active forum.

    I, for one, don't want to continue to see these types of threads about closure of this site, when it will be open for quite some time to come.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    YES, sKally!

    CoCo Concurs

  • Blueblades

    Hi sKally and CoCo! I did not mean it the way it sounded. Maybe I should of not included the words "coming to a close"

    I just wanted to know how JWD has helped us in the areas posted over the years. I thought that many would of wanted to share and tell us how they have gotten closure on some of these topics.

    I too have spent many hours over six years here and have shared much here. My intention is honorable, and I am not grieving and am not asking about closure of this site. I am asking about closure of the five main topics that have been discussed here over the years.

    I am sorry if I offended you or anyone else.


  • Hortensia

    I didn't have any doubts about those things when I discovered the forum. It's just nice to have a place to talk with folks who have similar experiences.

  • FreudianSlip

    There was one poster in particular that was invaluable to me here: AlanF. W/o having known him I might have gone back to the dubs. He helped me see how a resurrection is impossible. He helped me question the Bible and God and helped me reason through everything. He didn't just say, "this is how it is".. he asked the right questions and let me answer them myself. One of the most amazing people I have ever met online. He helped me find my religious comfort zone: agnostism. A wonderful, wonderful man. Brilliant. I wish he would adopt me.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Oh, I had loooots of doubts coming here.

    I had toooons of issues, as well.

    It's so helpful to be able to express whatever whenever and have neutral parties tell me this view and that view.

    I was a skinned little sheep with no direction, no anchor. So scary!

    I'm so much better today than that first day that I lurked.

  • BabaYaga

    To doubt openly and joyously is a wonderful thing.

    To decide to allow the doubts to exist and to believe in mysterious things anyway can also be wonderful.

    To discuss beliefs and really LISTEN, to not be pre-set to a defensive mode, (or be watching the clock to count your time!) is wonderful.

  • jaguarbass

    I am sure the watchtower society does not have the truth.

    Not because of this board but because I was born in 52 and lived through 75.

    On your other questions I am agnostic. But my jury is about 50/50.

    I kind of think believing in God is like being happy. You can be as happy as you want to be.

    Beliving in God is like loosing weight or eating healthy. It takes work.

    If you do the work you can end up with the benefits.

    I can say the bible was written by men. But I am aware of people that can argue that it is inspired of God and can twist the things I see as negatives into positives.

    During my time coming here, I have become more agnostic, more open to the possibility of evolution and atheism than I was before I came here.

    I think there are a lot of atheist on this board. Probably because the JWs did such a good job of showing how all the other religions are wrong and once someone see's how wrong the JW's are it's easy to think as an atheist and believe in evolution.

    I hope God exist.

    My favorite theory is that we are spirits having human experiences.

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