*** SPLUTTER **** SPIT ****
the root of the problem often lies in his not having "an accurate knowledge of truth."Like hell. I bet if a lot more youths knew the real 'Truth' they would leave even faster!
More than merely going through the motions of worshiping Jehovah, it is important that young ones cultivate a close personal relationship with him. What will help them do so?A lobotomy perhaps?
Draw Close to GodWell, as long as you're not a youth and you're not 'drawing close' to an Elder, that should be OK.
5 "Draw close to God,"
"and he will draw close to you."Uh-Oh! Just don't bend over to pick up the soap!
A youth who admitted that he had been swallowed up in the way of the world began to appreciate spiritual values.This has to be the worst possible place the WTBTS could have used the word 'swallowed'!!! *LOL*
he kept to a regular Bible reading schedule.Translation: He got a lobotomy.
Despite having a regular family study, one teenage girl associated with delinquents.Oh, the horror! I think they might have given her Apostate Cooties! (Thx Think41Self!)
“When Father asked the questions, I just read off the answers, without even looking at his face.”Hey, that sounds familiar!
Moreover, make the Scriptural discussion lively.Translation: Apply corporeal punishment!!! Spare not the rod!
Using maps and charts may help.Yeah, a map showing the location of Beth-Sarim maybe
For the very first time," she confessed, "I really prayed to Jehovah about how I felt."AHAHAHA! *giggle* This is just too good to make up...I don't think they could've chosen worse words if they tried...
What can parents do in such a trying situation?Smoke a joint and reminisce about the good ole' days when kids didn't have a choice? I dunno...
Despite their repeatedly 'putting him to the test,' Jehovah "was merciful" to them.Exactly unlike YouKnow.
Without losing hope, they can take the initiative to keep the lines of communication open or to reestablish communication.I thought you were supposed to shun unbelievers? What heretical words are these?
What if a minor who lives with his parents gets involved in serious wrongdoing and because of his unrepentant attitude is expelled from the congregation?Well, he'll be free to live his own life, WTBTS. Deal with it!
They can try to initiate and nurture the healing process.By shunning their child and cutting off his lifeline of access to probably the only people he knows? Yeah, right!
The first step he must take is to "repent ... and turn around."I hope I'm never in a KH when they read this Watchtower article out before asking questions. I'll burst out laughing so much they'll ask me to leave!
If a baptized youth is disfellowshipped, the congregation members are expected "to quit mixing in company with" him.So now we've forgotten about the earlier quotes in the article where we're supposed to keep open the lines of communication?
This may eventually help him to come to his senses' and return to God's protective fold.That, or he'll discover JW.COM. Yay!
Though the youths readily complied and enjoyed such sessions, their influence on one another eventually led them to cut their ties with the congregation.Sweeeet! Mass Disassociation!
Take positive steps to help your child come back to Jehovah with the congregation.Whack his/her AZZ!!!
When a youth who has left the congregation comes back to the Kingdom Hall or attends an assembly, think of how he may feel.How about being utterly BORED?
Firmly stick to Bible principlesDo not spare ze rod!
*For further suggestions on how to teach young ones effectively, see The Watchtower July 1, 1999, pages 13-17Endless humour, courtesty of the WTBTS, Brooklyn, New York.
*WHEW* That was a funny one, eh! We need more of these articles...
The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age