Godspeed Hilary.
Goodbye Fred...
by hillary_step 58 Replies latest jw friends
Awww, shit! Just when I was beginning to "get" you.
I know, you don't really care about those that really liked you.
Yeah! I'm bitter I didn't even get an honorable mention!
Neither did I and he loves me more than you, Stinky,
Good grief, HS! For some reason, I had a feeling you were going to do this. You and I had a shaky start (I seem to remember it was words over JCanon) and I really
didn't like your brash know-it-all attitude. Your reprimand left a bad taste in my mouth at first, but after 1-1/2 years, I am just now beginning to understand where you are
coming from and was even thinking about becoming one of your "groupies" (LOL). You are one of the first names I look for when I log on. I'm sorry you're leaving so soon.
I myself am waiting till Simon shuts it down and probably will not register elsewhere. Time to journey-on. Wish you would stick around till then, too.....at least pop in now
and then till it's over.
After just only reading......who the hell is "Fred"?
TJKMO who proudly boasted that the wife of a mutual close friend had a crush on him not realizing that she once had a crush on me too and it was not as rare an occurrence as he may have thought. ;) lol..Never did tell ya that did I tjkmo.
well i'm sure we weren't the only 2
thats funny
but not as funny as minimus not knowing who fred is
so long..mr step (or is that mrs)
HS..I`ll away`s be grateful for your friendship on and off the board.....You have kept me laughing the whole time.....We`ll meet up in person..I look forward to the next time I see you.............Take care my friend!.............
I never know what to say on these threads, but I do which to have met you in person. Cheers
No Sir - the honor and privilege of getting to know you was all mine