WTF is THIS...Federal Contracts {2001} for Medical Services

by sf 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sf

    Has this been posted on the forum, EVER?

    What in the hell does it mean?

    You can click on the column headers below to re-sort the search.

    AmountParent Company NameMajor AgencyProduct or ServiceDateProgram Source (Agency-Account)Program Source Description
    $10,000JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESDept. of Veterans AffairsMedical services2001-05-15-
    $5,000JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESDept. of Veterans AffairsMedical services2001-07-15-
    $5,000JEHOVAH'S WITNESSESDept. of Veterans AffairsMedical services2001-09-15-

    Total transactions for fiscal year 2001: 3

    Total funding (within this search) for the year: $20,000

    Competition summary for entire search for fiscal year 2001:

    Available for everyone for competition$0
    Everyone could compete, but only one bid or offer was recieved$0
    Competition within a limited pool$0
    Actions necessary to continue existing competitive contracts for continuity (until the next one could be competed)$0
    Available only for groups such as disabled persons, prisoners, and regulated utilities$20,000
    Not competed for an allowable reason$0
    Not identified, soon to be addressed$0
  • carla

    What? Accepting money from Satan? isn't that what it would be? what is this and how do you guys find this stuff?!

  • sf

    When you actually click on the amounts, it gives a detailed account of the transaction.


    Expanded Detail on Individual Transactions for FY 2001
    Award #1

    Amounts (Award)
    Dollars Obligated$10,000
    Current Contract Value$0
    Ultimate Contract Value$0

    Purchaser Information (Award)
    Major AgencyDept. of Veterans Affairs
    Modified Contracting Agency3600: VETERANS AFFAIRS, Department of
    Contracting AgencyVETERANS AFFAIRS, Department of
    Contracting Office00550
    Funded by Foreign Government or International Org.No

    Contract Information (Award)
    Date Signed05/15/2001
    Effective Date05/15/2001
    Current Completion Date09/15/2001
    Ultimate Completion Date09/15/2001
    Award TypeDelivery Order
    Type of Contract PricingFixed Price
    Letter ContractNo
    Multi-Year ContractNo
    Performance-Based Service ContractNo
    Cost Accounting Standards ClauseNo
    Contract DescriptionUnavailable
    Purchase Card As Payment MethodNo
    Number of Actions1
    Program Source Agency
    Program Source Account
    Program Source Description

    Contractor Information (Award) (Award #1)
    Vendor Name from ContractCIRCLE OF FRIENDS
    Vendor Enabledf
    Vendor Address Line 12620 OLD RED TRL
    Vendor Address CityMANDAN
    Vendor Address StateND: North Dakota
    Vendor Zip Code585541447
    Vendor CountryUSA
    Vendor Congressional District (Modified)ND00: North Dakota At Large
    Vendor DUNS Number1063696680000
    Parent ID126596
    Parent Company NameJEHOVAH'S WITNESSES

    Principal Place of Performance (Award)
    Place Congressional District (Modified)IL90: Illinois unknown districts
    Place of Performance Code18563
    Place of Performance StateIL: Illinois
    Place of Performance CountryUnited States

    Product or Service Information (Award) (Award #1)
    Major Product or Service CodeQ: Medical services
    Product or Service CodeQ201: General Health Care Services
    Principal NAICS Code624120: Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities
    Govt. Furnished Equipment or PropertyNo
    Contract Bundling ReasonNot a bundled requirement
    Consolidated ContractNo
    Product Country of OriginUnited States

    Record Information (Award)
    Identifying Agency ID3600: VETERANS AFFAIRS, Department of
    Procurement Instrument ID00550200105C550C11023V550P6036
    Modification Number0
    Transaction Number0
    Fiscal Year2001
    IDV Agency ID3600: VETERANS AFFAIRS, Department of
    IDV Procurement Instrument IDV550P6036
    IDV Modification Number0

    Competition Information (Award) (Award #1)
    Competition CategoryNot available for competition
    Extent CompetedB: Not Available for Competition
    Reason Not CompetedOTH: Authorized by Statute
    Number of Offers Received1
    Pre-award Synopsis RequirementNo
    Synopsis Waiver ExceptionNo
    Alternative AdvertisingNo
    Commercial Item Acquisition ProceduresNo
    Commercial Item Test ProgramNo
    Small Business Compet. Demonstration ProgramNo
    A-76 (FAIR Act) ActionNo

    Contract Marketing Data (Award)
    Fee Paid For Use of IDV$0

    Contractor Characteristics (Award)
    Number of Employees1
    Annual Revenue$0
    Small BusinessNo
    8A FirmNo
    Hist. Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone) FirmNo
    Small Disadvantaged BusinessNo
    Sheltered Workshop (JWOD Provider)No
    Historically Black College or UniversityNo
    Educational InstitutionNo
    Woman Owned BusinessYes
    Veteran Owned BusinessNo
    Service Disabled Veteran Owned FirmNo
    Local GovernmentNo
    Minority InstitutionNo
    American Indian Owned BusinessNo
    State GovernmentNo
    Federal GovernmentNo
    Minority Owned BusinessNo
    Asian-Pacific American Owned BusinessNo
    Tribal GovernmentNo
    Black American Owned BusinessNo
    Native American Owned BusinessNo
    Subcontinent Asian (Asian-Indian) American Owned BusinessNo
    Nonprofit OrganizationNo
    Hispanic American Owned BusinessNo
    Emerging Small BusinessNo

    Legislative Mandates (Award) (Award #1)
    Walsh-Healy ActNo
    Service Contract ActYes
    Davis-Bacon ActNo
    Clinger-Cohen ActNo

    Preference Programs (Award)
    Business Size DeterminationOther Than Small Business
    Subcontracting PlanPlan Not Required
    Price Evaluation Percent Difference0
  • nameless_one

    There have been a couple of threads about something very similar. One of them is here: but I can't find the other one. The URL being discussed there is different, but the info is about the same sort of thing. I wish I could find the other thread, IIRC it was longer and more detailed. But I think it ended up with no one really knowing what it all means or what it's about. Curious for sure.

  • yknot

    So a group of JW friends got together and used the JW name as a vendor?

    I wonder how "mother" would feel about this.... anyone wanna print it out and send it to Teddie's service boys!

  • sf

    "CIRCLE OF FRIENDS", "WOMEN OWNED BUSINESS", Illinois, North Dakota, Dept of Veteran Affairs...WTF is going on here...or actually, in 2001??

    I'm not quite sure, yet, carla. But my insides are stirring. And when that happens, my gut feelings are usually on target.

    My hopes are that it WAS brought here a while back and I just can't find it. And was discussed.

    If this is the case, whomever finds the thread, please bump it back up to active page.


  • JWdaughter

    Woman Owned??? HELL, woman can't even say anything directly to a group of people in the org!

  • sf

    Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses 2620 Old Red Trl NW, Mandan, ND, 58554 701-667-1738


    Product or Service Information (Award) (Award #1)
    Major Product or Service CodeQ: Medical services
    Product or Service CodeQ201: General Health Care Services
    Principal NAICS Code624120: Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities
    Govt. Furnished Equipment or PropertyNo
    Contract Bundling ReasonNot a bundled requirement
    Consolidated ContractNo
    Product Country of OriginUnited States
  • yknot

    So some sisters have gotten together to assist elderly veterans in their KH using VA money.

    Okay noble minded if they are actually using this money to provide services for the VA elderly and disabled !

    BUT in the JW world it is still the same as....


  • sf

    Veterans Advocacy Organization

    Circle of Friends for American Veterans

    Well? What of it? Is this the same CIRCLE OF FRIENDS on the detailed transaction?



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