I detect a level anxiety due to the fact that this site is shortly to close. I too find the familiarity of this site reassuring and I feel comfortable navigating my way around it.
As more of a 'lurker' than a 'poster', I find Active Topics the best feature of this site, as it means I can log in, and in 5 minutes catch up with the news of the week.
I ran a forum for a popular author for a while and was always surprised how popular it was and how loyal, even in the event of technical difficulties on occasions, it users were.
What do you look for in a good forum?
What features do you like about this site?
by eyeslice 10 Replies latest jw friends
This is a good site. Easily navigated, with a good variety of topics and people.
Nothing comes close that I see yet.
It's speed. Simon has definitely got the code right for forum speed. I can be having issues with my connection to other sites on the net, and JWD will pop right up and perform just fine.
I mentioned this already on another thread, but the ability to reply directly to a post within a topic rather than just the topic itself, and the ability to change the thread view so that you can see which posts were replies to the topic and which were replies to another post, are both essential features for a high-activity forum such as this one. I don't see this feature on any of the other JW_'s that are springing up, and it's too bad, as I don't think any of them will ever come close to attaining the level of activity that this forum has had without them. It's just too hard to keep track of the conversation without these features.
I will also say that one of my favorite things about this forum is that it's not cookie-cutter. It is absolutely unique in its appearance and structure.
That it has the right balance of people. You ask a reasonable question, and within an hour or so, you get a dozen answers. Other ex-JW sites were so slow that one might have to wait a few days or more before anyone responds.
The one that only Simon has. The ultimate terminator.
How do I get my hands on one of them?
drew sagan
Personally, I liked the simplicity of this site. The lack of features I actually found as a plus. While the site layout could be a bit more updated, the minimalist style is a good thing IMO.
It is simple and gets the job done. To many forums are overloaded with features that are unnecessary and add to confusion. -
The 2 best features on this board are:#1 the "Active Topics"..It makes it so easy to get around...........#2:The Beer Tap that pops out of my screen when ever I log on to JWD!..........................OUTLAW
Outlaw, you are hilarious dude...I'll definitely be missing your posts once the site goes inactive.