Thank Sparky! Thats what this board is for. Now I can start healing. I mean my soul, you know.
Holy cow, I just remembered the dream I had last night....
by sweetstuff 26 Replies latest jw friends
Tyrone! I have always enjoyed your post. At first I was not sure how to take you Now I realize you are one of the truest posters here and that can make for a great opening of the heart. I don't know about others, but your honesty even in your darkest has made it easier for me to heal. seeing that others can go there and others can take steps to heal. Get over it and move on. Or even wallow in it a bit. To see that we are human and share. It is refreshing to meet a peron such as you even if I have not the pleasure in person yet. Much peace to you.
Tyrone van leyen
Thanks Sparky. I have come to realalize, that I have been serious, for far too long. With the board closing, I don't want people to remember the dark side of me. I wasn't sure how to take you either, to tell you the truth. I respect your intellect and sometimes fear it. I'm not sure where I will go from here, but I'm glad you and I are on a different foot. I had a lot of garbage in me when I first came here, but what good would it be for my soul, to lie about who I am and what happened. Your words can be very insightful, Your very sweet. I wish you well.
Tyrone, I could not have said it better myself. And I think it was a foot thang we had. Just a bad foot thang! Actually I think we would hit it off really well if not for a keyboard. :)
Tyrone van leyen
I agree. I think things are starting to change. It's just that I can't seem to bring myself out of isolation. I'll give myself some more time though. I don't want anybodies sympathy or attention, but I just got word today. My back operation is one week from now. It will be 6 months of physical healing but I am elated about it. My back has most certainly had an impact on my moods. I have waited a long time for it. When that heals I might have an even better outlook. I just can't even bring myself to facebook or choose another board right now. If I do, I might then change my name, and avatar to obscurity. I hear those other boards have too many loons and head hunters. Meantime, we still have time on this board. Do you know I have never even crossed the border to USA and I'm 42.
John Doe
I had a few intense recurring dreams in my childhood. I've already posted them here though, and I'm too lazy to look for them.
Well I have not been to Canada and I am 38 so that does not make you strange. Although invited a mess of times...Traveling to the border is a ways. Actually I have a lot of traveling on my agenda! I say you do it just to do it. Step out and do it. May your surgery go well. You are still a young spring chicken and have a huge life to live. Not even half over...You will be great.
And sweetstuff, have you been plagued by dreams like this for long? That is some deep stuff you dreamed. I know mine was, I noticed when I faced a lot of it it has cooled. May you have that same peace. Sorry you had that mess in your sleep. Better there than in real life. I hear that our mind releases all we cannot deal with in our sleep. Or maybe not stuff we cannot deal with, but stuff we need to process....What say you?
Tyrone van leyen
Do tell. If it's about hairy guy, with no clothes, that sleeps in parks, don't worry, it's just you in the future. LOL!! Sorry John, you just bring that funny side out of me.
Tyrone van leyen
The Docs say it will be 100% recovery. Thank God! Anyways, you seem like a fun person. If the world doesn't explode before then, maybe one day we'll meet. Border crossing might be a prob though. My past.
Tyrone van leyen
Hey John, I didn't mean anything by that. Your'e fun to pick on, cuz of your thick skin and veiws of the world. Thats what I mean by, you bring it outta me. Your the straight guy. Anyways, tell us about your dream. I promise I won't joke this time.