For all of you you believe in the WatchTower doctrine I have a few honest and important (in my opinion) question you should ask yourselves.
Why serve a god like Jehovah? You may find that question to be out of your comfort zone but I think it's important to examine the WT vision of the god you accept as real.
What does Jehovah expects from you? Total obedience to the ones that call themselves the faithful and discrete slave. Is this reasonable? No. Why not? They are men. Ordinary humans like you and me. Power corrupts. Why would these men be immune to corruption? Everything that supposedly comes from them comes from Jehovah. How can you be sure of this? How can you verify what is true and what is not when they expect you to believe everything they teach? When you look at the bible every nation under god's rule became corrupt and the ones who followed the men in charge fell with them.
What is the WT explanation for evil? Well they say that god is trying to prove a point. He wants to justify his rule and sanctify his name. Do you find this just? Do you find this to be a reasonable thing coming from a god who supposed to be love? Do you really think a god like this is interested in you? Obviously his name and desire to rule every humans action and thoughts is more important than human kinds happiness and freedom. For thousands of years humanity has suffered and with no help from this god we have accomplish a lot. We help more people and try to stop suffering more then he as ever even try. He his responsible for the suffering of millions. You might say well humans are sinners. why are we born like this? He his the one who created this universe in a way that innocent children inherit "sin". The one who as the power to stop suffering and does not is responsible for it. No mater what justification the WT tries to use this do not excuse suffering of the innocent just to prove a point.