I should warn you, I bite, hard.
You must also remove your false teeth. . .
by John Doe 28 Replies latest jw friends
I should warn you, I bite, hard.
You must also remove your false teeth. . .
I genuflect before you
and thank god that my glory survives unscathed.
Except that we all can't shake the picture of you with a mouth full of cowcaca.
I love your sens of humor.
I thought you were never going to post here again. No, wait! That was the other guy...sorry!
say, your gloriousness, may I watch you smite the naysayers? I want lessons in smiting. Might take it up myself one day.
peachy-keen, your magnamimosity, love to see you strutting your stuff. I hate to throw in a little acciaccatura, but you don't seem to be getting the respect you deserve and demand. When's the smiting going to start?
But do you feel vindicated? And, are you at peace?
You're a cute little bugger JD!
changeling :)
That's all well and good, but....
What's your position on gayness?