the October Awake is "Your Child and the Internet" They note that restricting the internet by having the PC in the front room not the Child's bedroom is no longer practical as the Internet can be accessed from Cell Phones etc. I laughed
October Awake
by stillajwexelder 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The scriptures say that in the last day there will be an increase in knowledge.
Shouldn't young ones take advantage of all that Jehovah has provided?
Isn't knowledge to be weighed and sifted to find accuracy? Isn't that accurate knowledge to be valued?
"Young People Ask"...and they should have instant answers now.
Reading stuff like this makes me remember how controlling they are!
What? No more porn? I really can't be a JW now.
Taking away cell phones would be just one more thing for the young people to rebel against. I didn't raise my son as a j dub and made sure he got to do everything I didn't. Of course there were rules but he didn't have much to rebel against and has turned out to be a fine young man. When are the dubs going to get a clue? Saying no to everything is not the way to make the young want to stay in. It is the main reason I left when I was 18.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Hooray! Now all the dub-kids can get on their cellphones.
Actually, when I said "", I meant "".
B the X
The internet you get on cellphones is limited though. I worked for Helio doing call center work. You couldn't pick up every website that you can on the regular internet.
And the clampdown continues, big surprise. They should be at least as afraid, if not more, of the parents using the Internet.
Come on you guys,I'm sure Jehovah gave the Faithful and Discreet Slave this message.The WTS is only relaying some very practical advice,hell
I'm surprised they haven't shunned computers altogether,Ha,Ha!.....
I would be completely surprised to know that JW children are allowed to have cell phones!
Back in the day we couldn't even have Walkmans, etc. -- not to new technology because it gave you too much access to Satan the Debbil.
Of course if any teens happen to be lurking they could always get a cell phone that didn't require an account.....heh heh.....