What I Learned from Bro Lett's DC Talk

by Rohag 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rohag

    What I Learned/Derived from Steven Lett's DC Talk (Thanks again, Ynot, for providing access to the .mp3 files!)

    1. Brother Lett - or the committee that produced the talk - REALLY loves food metaphors.
    2. Well-dressed people, especially children, produce a good witness.
    3. If you're an apostate, chances are bad conduct/secret sin/moral depravity made you that way. Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction.
    4. The Bible is an insufficient - or overly cumbersome - guide to godly conduct. Watchtower publications are essential to one's spiritual life and possess a kind of derivative inspiration.
    5. Holy spirit is obviously directing Jehovah's Organization.
    • No other religious organization is bearing a world-wide witness to the Kingdom established in the heavens in 1914.
    • "Other groups have tried to organize preaching, but without fail it fizzles shortly." I infer there's some sort of positive correlation among organization, the activity of holy spirit, and spiritual truth; i.e. organization and truth go hand-in-hand.
    • New disciples/converts validate the Organization and its message.
    • "The marvelous training that all of us receive is convincing proof that holy spirit is directing this organization."
    • The tremendous emphasis Jehovah's Organization places on right conduct is proof it's spirit-directed.
    • Holy spirit is the only reason "Jehovah's people can become more and more loving" in a world that continues to deteriorate. "It's not our credit; the holy spirit is helping us. Of course we have to work at it, and then we get more holy spirit, don't we? And then the holy spirit makes us even more holy in our conduct. So it's a self-feeding cycle, isn't it? The cleaner we try to be, the more holy spirit; the more holy spirit, then the more holy our conduct can be. But it's clear Jehovah's spirit is at work."
  • Loyally serving with Jehovah's spirit-directed Organization inevitably involves encountering opposition. Opposition is ipso facto proof that the Society is following Jesus. And opposition is no excuse to stop preaching, especially as we are nearing the end of this system of things.
  • stillajwexelder

    Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction. Wow - never have I heard such a sweeping generalization that is so totally untrue

  • Satanus

    '"It's not our credit; the holy spirit is helping us. Of course we have to work at it, and then we get more holy spirit, don't we? And then the holy spirit makes us even more holy in our conduct. So it's a self-feeding cycle, isn't it? The cleaner we try to be, the more holy spirit; the more holy spirit, then the more holy our conduct can be.'

    There should be many jws literally levitating w joy and lightness of being. Why didn't i meet some of those?


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction. Wow - never have I heard such a sweeping generalization that is so totally untrue

    Back in the 80's such things circulated as well. There has been a return to a more harsh tone since the troubles that have come about because of the web ;)

    When you think about it, lying is the Watchtowers best option at this stage of the game. Nothing else comes close to protecting their followers from defecting more than pumping them full of nonsensical lies. I like how the emphasis hopes to get across that leaving on principle basically never happens. You don't know how long I let that lie rule my life. After I read COC that all changed though ;)

  • yknot

    Yep nailed it!

    I remember soundly the comments about conduct versus doctrine at our local DC. I kept thinking how much our doctrine has shifted since I was a child, how much we have violated our doctrines in the last 25 years...... how many sitting in attendance numbering a bit over 5000 had no idea about most of it....all of them furiously taking notes and bobbing their heads. Well some were naughty and packing their things.

    When I was listening to the Alan/Ted MP3 provided by Randy it struck me how much I can quote watchtower articles and concepts versus good ole' scripture like ole' Teddy boy...... I would have to have a WT CD in front of me instead.

    Sad Sad Dumbing Down of my Generation.......

    Thanks Rohag for you summary!

  • jaguarbass

    If you're an apostate, chances are bad conduct/secret sin/moral depravity made you that way. Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction.

    I became an appostate because I was born in 1952. I graduated high school. All the while I was growing up the society said education was of little value, they discouraged college. They said the world would end in 1975 and we wouldnt need an education. I graduated in 72 and my parents took 5,000$ my worldy grandparents gave me to go to college and blew it on a sports car for me, Because the world was going to end in 3 years and I wouldnt need college.

    1976 came and I was having a hard time making a living. I found a job as a deputy sheriff and the threatened and shamed me into quiting it.

    After falling into a depression over my employability and job prospects, I decided my problems were because of the Watchtower society and after fading I quit going to the meetings in 1983.

    I have been married to the same woman 36 years, I dont take drugs, I dont steal, Hardly ever swear.

    I left because they are liars and it is not the truth.

    If God was directing them they wouldnt have wrong dates and bad information.

    It's very simple. A God who could design the universe and life could give the correct dates if he were giving dates at all.

  • r51785

    "Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction." I bet that Martin Luther guy was a secret sinner!

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Re: "If you're an apostate, chances are bad conduct/secret sin/moral depravity made you that way. Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction." He's doing the best he can. If you can't attack the message, attack the messenger.

  • erandir
    If you're an apostate, chances are bad conduct/secret sin/moral depravity made you that way. Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction.

    This is totally true! The bad conduct/secret sin/moral depravity of a few witnesses I knew...one was my book study conductor, another was a whole family I used to work for, and others were people I associated with.

  • BurnTheShips
    If you're an apostate, chances are bad conduct/secret sin/moral depravity made you that way. Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction.

    What a crock of shite. This is just to discredit any notion that there could be a good reason to turn away from the Witnoids.

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