>Well UP I respect your comments, and somewhat agree with you even though, no, that isn't what any gay person wants to hear. lol.
I appreciate your response. You are obviously thinking very much about this subject, and the fact that you did not rip my head off reveals a lot :)
>Your illustration was an interesting one and you make a point, however, in this day and age, do you really think God is going to destroy all the gays, and people who don't go to 'church'? That would amount to an aweful lot of people.
Here is what I believe, because it is what the Bible teaches (not any man made religion). I am going to use a few of the 10 commandments as an example of why God WILL condemn most of humanity.
Humans are in a perpetual state of sin. They have been cursed because of the Fall of Man, and whatever they might try to do to please God, they fail, because of being lawbreakers. Let me give you an example, and this has nothing to do with homosexuality. I will ask you a few questions to make it more personal. Just answer in the privacy if your own heart.
1. You shall not lie.
Have you ever lied? How many times in your life do you think you have lied? What do you call someone who tells lies? (hint, it rhymes with fire)
2. You shall not steal.
Have you ever stolen anything, even if it is small (regardless of how much it costs)? What do you call someone who steals things?
3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
Have you ever used the title or name of God or Jesus to curse? The Bible says that no blasphemer will enter the Kingdom. Think about it. If God gave you life, and you use his name to curse, that reveals what is in your heart. The Bible says that we are all enemies of God through our wicked works.(Col 1:21). We do not speak well of our enemies.
4. Have you ever had sex outside of the marriage covenant?
God made sex for two people who will be united before Him in a covenant. The sexually immoral will not enter the kingdom.
5. Honor your Father and Mother.
Have you always obeyed your parents? Did they ever have to tell you to do something twice?
Just by looking at a few of the commandments, it is obvious that we are all lawbreakers, and in need of forgiveness. This is where the GOOD NEWS comes in. God (Yahweh, Jehovah, El Shaddai, etc) became a man in the person of Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life, he never lied once, he never blasphemed once, etc. When he was put to death, he was paying for the sins of those people who would repent and trust in him. It was a legal transaction that was taking place. We broke God's laws, Jesus paid the fine with his sinless life and substitutionary death. NO more killing of bulls and sheep. Jesus was the lamb of God and bore the sin of many (see Isa 53).
I am now in a right relationship with God because I have been forgiven by Him.I do good works now because I have been forgiven and God is my Father, and no longer my enemy. I live for Him and love Him more than my own desires, because He put His spirit in me. This is the gospel, and one of the reasons that the JW's are teaching a false gospel. The JW 'system' can never wash away your sins, because it is based on doing good works to please God. Only a sinless sacrifice can do that, and that is what Jesus did.
Sweetheart, your problem is more than a struggle over homosexuality. You know in your conscience that it is wrong, and that is why you are looking for something--anything!!--to make you feel like it is right. But that is not how God made you. However, even if you were not attracted to the same sex, you still have a problem with all the other sins against God. You need to be reconciled to Him. Not by church,not by works, but by faith in the sin-bearer, Jesus Christ. HE will save you and give you a new heart and new desires. (Pick up the gospel of John and just read it- in a real translation, not the NWT)
I used to be a slave to my desires, with sex, drugs, and anything that gave me pleasure. But God is rich in mercy, and he has forgiven me and has given me something far greater than physical pleasure. He has given me joy, and I wake up everyday with joy because I no longer have a nagging conscience.
This is genuine love. The world (and religions like the WT) offer a false love, that is dependent upon something else (in the WT's case, going to meetings or field service, and if you don't, look out, attitude change towards you). But God's love is real, but it involves following Jesus and forsaking sin.
I care for you, and am praying for you, honey. If you ever need to talk about anything, please email me. ([email protected]) I will give you the truth in love as best I can. Thanks for listening.