What keeps them scarce around my hood is the fact that they are well aware of my apostate field activities, in my neighborhood and around both local k.h.'s.
I've even traveled back to my childhood kh hood.
To do what you may ask. That can answered by reading my posting history.
The project worked well in INFORMING those communities of what JWS were truly about BEHIND THE SCENES. Just as the RCC was exposed for their so-called Truth, and then recently, the FLDS.
Regarding the project:
I constructed FLIERS TO DISTRIBUTE, using key items from, in my opinion, brilliant sites such as Simons, Freeminds.org, and silentlambs.org, On these three sites alone, you will have most all you need to INFORM YOUR OWN COMMUNITIES.
On one of the most effective fliers I made, was bits and pieces of the bethelite JESUS CANO who was busted with his BETHEL I.D. CARD ON HIS PERSON. I simply copy/cut and pasted those items, WITH THE NEWSPAPER PHOTOS AND WEBPAGE URL's.
I literally went door to door in all of the neighborhoods I've stated before and made sure they were well informed and READY TO QUESTION THE NEXT JW THAT APPEARED AT THEIR DOORS.
I then called each kh to make sure they were aware of my activities and thusly, the neighborhoods were now aware of theirs.
So, good luck dobbie!!
If you need any help, just ask.
Happy trails!!