This is something that I have been asked several times and have wondered myself. It would alleviate all of the uncomfortable situations involved with flag saluting, birthday parties, etc...
Why don't JW's have their own school for young people?
by QuestioningEverything 32 Replies latest jw friends
I think way too cost prohibitive, the pop density of JWs is not high enough in many areas to make it a viable alternative, plus the needs for accreditation for education through 12th grade is pretty stringent, and the pool of JWs with a college education (in many cases masters degrees required) to be the faculty is not all that deep!!!
I have heard of schools starting and then failing because of financing. Also, you need jw educators to teach. This is difficult because the anti education stance of the wt prevents the r&f from acquiring the education credentials necessary to teach.
This kind of activitity would never be promoted by the wt. The only thing they are interested in is free labor to distribute their literature.
The WBT$ controls everything in a JW`s life..If there were money in JW schools,the WBT$ would be all over it..The fact is..There is no profit in it for the WBT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...........
This is difficult because the anti education stance of the wt prevents the r&f from acquiring the education credentials necessary to teach.
They can always teach their students how to hold a squeegee, how much soap to add to the water, and what kind of rags leave behind the least amount of lint.
1- they are not really interested in children
2- they are not at all interested in education
3-they are cheap
changeling :)
When you graduate from a "WBT$ School",you will be Qualified to do this!...........
.......And..Don`t forget how you will spend your evenings!..........
A lot of JWs home school their children. My sister in law did this with 3 kids and I heard they got as good or better education than a PS. This of course is in no way sponsored by the borg.
Thinking beyond 3rd grade readin', writin' and 'rithmetic, just think of the subjects that a JW education would either leave out or severely compromise ................
- literature
- history
- philosophy
- logic
- mathematics (as it relates to logic)
- earth science
- biology
- anthropology
- psychology
- sociology
- critical thinking
- career counseling
It's not real estate
It doesn't sell books/magazines
It isn't measurable
It isn't good business
They would have to follow government rules
It just never crossed their narrow, selfish,
cultish, controlling minds