Cult: Child died of Starvation--refused to say "Amen"

by cameo-d 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    BALTIMORE (AP) _ After denying Javon Thompson food and water for two days because he wouldn't say "Amen" after meals, the 1-year-old's caretakers waited for a divine sign that their message had been heard: a resurrection.

    For more than a week, police say in charging documents describing the scene, the child's lifeless body lay in the back room of an apartment. Queen Antoinette, the 40-year-old leader of a group that called itself 1 Mind Ministries, brought in her followers and told them to pray. God, she said, would raise Javon from the dead.

    Instead, Javon's body began to decompose.,0,2762093.story?track=rss

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    So, do you think that the government will eventually make cults illegal in some way?

    If so, blood transfusions being a life or death matter for JW's may make them eligible for being banned.

    Wanna bet that if that happens, JW's will call that "Bible prophecy fullfilled?"

  • nelly136

    would i be wrong in guessing it would take longer than two days to starve a child that old to death? (unless it was in an extremely poor state to start with?)

    poor lil boy :(

  • dinah

    For a child that age, it wouldn't take very long for him to dehydrate. If you factor in that he was most likely crying.................that mother should be held accountable along with the leader of the cult.

  • WTWizard
  • Mary
    that mother should be held accountable along with the leader of the cult.

    From what I read in the article, yep, the mother AND the leaders of the cult are all facing murder charges and rightly so. Few things breed disaster, like natural stupidity and mind control.

  • dinah

    That poor baby.

    I'll never understand how anyone could hurt their own child.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    How does someone watch their baby crying because he's hungry, and not feed him? No doubt he was crying long and hard. As his health deteriorated, did the mother not feel anything at all?

    On top of that, after he dies you're praying for his resurrection? Why, to starve him to death again?

  • dobbie

    if he was only 15 months old how could he have managed to say amen at every meal anyway for petes sake! Poor little man, he must have really suffered.

  • jgnat

    The grandma, too, for knowing things were not right and no authority would listen to her. Social workers should take note. Natural instincts can be overridden in the face of intense mental programming.

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