"Apostates " are sex degenerates.!!!!

by hamsterbait 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • What-A-Coincidence
    a red-herring

    good catch! get it??? i am too good!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    hammy b, I can't decide which response I want to use. So, please select one for me:

    1) Apostates are sex degenerates, eh? Cool! Where can I sign up?!?

    2) Rohag paraphrased Lett, "Apostasy is usually founded on sin and rarely on conviction." DAMN, I GOT IN THE WRONG LINE!!! I got in the "conviction apostate" line instead of the "sex maniac apostate" line!! Double damn.

    3) No, Lett made that all-too-common mistake. He intended to say, "apostates are usually involved in immortal conduct." Apostates learn the truth that they will all be resurrected to immortality in heaven and be cradled in the arms of Jesus.

    B the X


    "...finding out how Chinas written history goes back to before the Flood, yet never mentions how the Chinese were all drowned..." Could you elucidate? And no more talk of hamster's genitals please.

  • mrsjones5

    What does being a sexual degenerate entail? Does it mean that one's sexual skill has declined? One definition of degenerate is to decline in function or quality. Or does it mean that one has gotten better at doing the deed and are now indulging in all manners that were forbidden?

  • greendawn

    They are not God's only channel they are not God's channel at all and note that the word channel in this context comes from occultic sources as in spiritistic mediums serving as channels of angelic (in fact demonic creatrures) conveying knowledge from them to humans. Strange how so many ex dubs do not know that the WTS was steeped in occultism for at least the first half of its existence, Russell even printed a book containing the sayings of a demonic angel to a woman that served as a channel (medium).

    So the FDS being God's channel is just a false pretense calculated at hiding their real nature from their potential victims so that they will be better able to manipulate and exploit them.

    As for sexual degeneracy like it or not that's the way of the western capitalistic and materialistic world we live in, having good order in sexual matters is definitely the ideal state but how many can seriously abstain from sex until their early thirties when most people are financially ready for marriage? Gone are the days when people married during their teens. In a cold uncaring world, and the JWs are a prime example of this, people find some vitally necessary warmth in intimate sexual relationships even if not of the ideal orderly kind. When society, eg the JW society, sets up the infra structures that can support high spiritual states then they can talk: take the beam out of your own eye before taking the straw out of someone else's eye. Until then virginity and purity are just a dream for most regardless of what priests, monks and elders like to say.

  • Gill

    If that is really what they believe it is hardly any wonder that I get such bizarre side ways looks from my relatives on the rare occassions I get to see them!

    Funny people, JWs!

    Gotta luv 'em!

  • greendawn

    No wonder why they can't look at you with a straight face they were mind conditioned to believe that those abandoning the fold for whatever reason (remember for the JWs there can't possibly be any valid reasons for doing so) have betrayed jehovah, the FDS and the entire brotherhood. That's quite a lot of mud on the ex dubs that makes them look hopelessly bad.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    These bungholes have no idea what they're saying anymore!

    I was a sex degenerate WHILE I was in the wt!!

    Still am actually....

  • bigwilly

    <--- Happy Apostate Sexual Degenerate

    It had nothing to do with my leaving the borg, but I have definitely explored my freedoms since leaving

  • LayingLow

    Interestingly, I know people that were sexual degenerates after leaving the WT. Oddly enough, they are not the apostates. They are the true believers who walk around with a death complex because they believe they will be destroyed at any second so who gives a shit. Then, they run around self-destructing because the group told them that is what happens to those who leave. Currently, I'm working with family and friends who have this mindset. It's unbelievable how much control the WTS exerts over people, even in an opposite way.

    I've started calling them the walking dead, not to their faces. It's just a complex, but it's so terribly destructive. The true apostates know it is b.s. and move on (with some likely becoming sexual degenerates but surely not all, nor most).

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