Greendawn - That is a very sobering thought. WE don't do anything 'about it' because it could be even worse if we DID do something about it!
WE then perpetuate an escalating cycle of FEAR of bad people.
Don't say anything......they might hurt us more.
Don't do anything......they might hurt us more.
Then, when we as an individual become a victim, we find that people don't want to do anything about it and so can't feel our outrage.
Remembering the Jewish Holocaust poetry, of words to the effect, I said nothing when they came for the Jews, the homosexuals, gypsies etc and there was no one there to say anything when they came for me!
We, the human race, are a shame to ourselves.
Perhaps we really do not deserve our continued existence.
While saying this, it makes me laugh that Lady Justice has no problem jailing an old age pensioner who has not paid his or her Council Tax, but a sex offender, violent criminal or thief may have one hundred percent higher chance of being given a suspended or very low sentence, or just a slap on the wrist.
The world is ruled and controlled by the faceless, mega wealthy, inbred tyrants who know that possession is 9 / 10 ths of the law. The real rulers of the world know that crime affects those who can't afford body guards, guns, lawyers etc.....hence life does not really affect them.
Money, land, valuables are all that matters.....especially their own.
So, while public morality is outraged daily, the only thing that really TALKS and controls everything is Money!