Not much doctrine these days. Just do what we tell you and you'll be fine.

by easyreader1970 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • garybuss

    You wrote: "My main point was to say that the Society seems to be drifting away from doctrine . . . "

    That's because all their doctrine is nonsense. A 6th grader can defeat their doctrines now. Not one single thing they have now makes sense, hasn't already failed, or can be found in any Bible. You might say they are in a doctrinal vacuum.

    Dis-beliefs only hold so much interest to an unpaid volunteer. That theory has been over tested. Hype alone won't even sell a vacuum cleaner. Vacuums and Witnesses do have one thing in common . . . they both suck!

  • Quandry

    When I asked her why they went to so much trouble to stress its importance only to get rid of it, she said it was a test.

    Ha!!!! Oh, yeah....she is completely indoctrinated. I can sympathize. I was the same way not too long ago. She is an excellent dub. Don't think about things that don't make sense or are confusing. Poor thing.

  • WTWizard

    All they are doing is creating problems where none needed to exist. The Keep Yourselves in God's Tyranny book is more rules than doctrines. And most of them are about sex and education.

    In reality, doctrine should be so simple that a small child would understand it. The rules should also be very few, designed particularly to stop people from barging in and seizing control of the masses (and those rules should be strictly enforced). If they would only do that, then people would be able to stop worrying so much about the particulars of the doctrine and just get on with their missions. Making the teaching process last so much shorter (it wouldn't take months and years to get all the classes and deals straight).

    And no telling people what to do. It's one thing to teach others how to do something and what effect it is going to have. But to tell people what to do only prevents people from doing things effectively. If you tell someone what to do, and you are wrong, you are liable for the bad outcomes (as in Young People Ask--Answers That Do Not Work). And it always leads to stagnation.

    Let people think independently. Give them the core doctrine, which is so simple that anyone can understand it in 10 seconds (instead of months and months). Give them instructions so people can learn for themselves, in a fully integrated fashion, what actions have what effects. And the result would be extremely rapid spread of the doctrine (as long as leaders, whose jobs are now seriously threatened by a people that can think for themselves, leave them alone). And apostates would have nothing to use against them, since their arguments would be circular and specious.

    And the message would be much closer to Jesus' true message.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Don't think that JWs have evolved -- I say regressed -- over time? Check this out:

  • Mandette

    This might sound stupid but a lot of these changes remind me of the Heaven's Gate cult and other apocalyptic groups. It's almost like they're winding up to tell the members to do something really off the wall. More so off the wall than previously.

    For the JW's the sky has been falling for over a hundred years. It makes me fear for my parents even more.


  • undercover

    This is definitely not your father's JW religion...

    I think back to when I was a kid and everyone was looking forward to 1975 and compare it to how things were as I started to fade and I can see how much things have changed. Heavy doctrine is out, obedience to the FDS (read GB) in...

    And that may be one reasonn why so many are waking up to the fallacy of "the truth". When Armageddon was imminent and long, confusing articles and books were printed pointing to the demise of the world in short manner were the norm, it seemed to keep the dubs busy trying to understand. Now with articles and books dumbed down to 3rd grade level, the brighter, freeer thinking dubs are bored and look outside their own publications for enlightment...and then they discover the "real" truth.

  • yknot
    My main point was to say that the Society seems to be drifting away from doctrine and are now moving towards "crowd control."

    The oracle died, the one who was moving toward more progressive changes dropped dead in Hawaii..... This only left those who knew how to bully and follow. Then they began to die off too, the remaining bully picked some yes men to fill out the GB. Leadership and bullying are not the same. There is no leadership, no leaders in the GB. Perhaps one or two will step up their game later on, but by then it might be too late.

    Thus proving that just because you are a male, doesn't mean you are fit to 'take the lead'.

  • rocketman

    I agree that the dumbing down may well be due to the Internet effect, as it were.

    In line with that, I think the WTS might be very reluctant to put out doctrinal/interpretation material because of the need for revision later. Stuff about conduct/actions generally doesn't need to be revised.

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