I think the school works differently now, but when I was a kid, a #2 talk was 5 minutes and I would give it in about 3 minutes...why did the meeting still end at 9:15! PS.........Do you remember when those TMS meeting were 2 hours???????
Did you intentionaly make your talks shorter so the meeting would end quick
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 29 Replies latest jw friends
What I hated was the brothers who, seeing that the meeting was going to end ten to fifteen minutes early, would just start rambling to stretch the meeting out if they had the last talk or next to last talk in the service meeting. That used to drive me crazy. I'd be sitting there, especially as a kid, cheering in my own mind because the meeting would be over at 8:55. Then the brother would just start rambling, giving personal experience, talking out of his butt, whatever he needed to do to make the meeting end at 9:10 or 9:15.
I also hate the brothers who see that it is already 9:05 and they are still calling on people to answer questions, determined to finish all of the paragraphs in their section of the Kingdom Ministry. Some do it today. When that happens, I get up and walk out. They are always on us for being inconsiderate of "Jehovah's table" when we get there late but there is no consideration for us when they just let the meeting run till 9:20 while this self-conscious brother lets everybody in the meeting get an answer in. No consideration is being shown for those of us who have to get up to go to work the next morning, or to those of us who have kids who go to school .
I am sorry to get all bent out of shape in this topic which was intended to be partially humorous but that burns me up.
My bookstudy was usually over within the hour allotted. When we had some lessons that were short on paragraphs, I'd end in 45 mins!
My 45 min. talks usually we done in the 40 to 42 min. time. Still didn't get out early. The Wt. Overseer took up the extra time.
1970, I really get your rant...........watching a brother who struggles to give a descent talk in a short amount of time, looks terrrible when his ramble goes on for a long time. Especially when as kids, 1 minute during those snooze fest seemed like an hour!!!!!!!!
I definately have ended Service Meeting items early because I just got bored with it...The thing that used to get me was the closing prayer that went on and on and on.....(had he forgotten the word Amen?)
One of our book study conductors used to make it last over an hour and a half ... in a monotone voice.
Simon, I would've left. In my waning days, I left exactly when the meeting was supposed to be done. It caused a stir but I didn't care.
no - but I NEVER, repeat NEVER, ran over on time
It used to piss me off big time when the WT conductor went overtime........he was cutting into MY time.
I mean come on, the Public Talk would end on time, even early sometimes, the WT conductor would then go 60-65 minutes and past the scheduled time, sometimes 10-15 minutes.
OK, I feel better now.........
I always tried to keep within the allotted time. Any excess minutes would be used by the remaining speakers so the strategy to shorten the meetings is very ineffective.
The only way it would work if there was collusion between two or more speakers.