shock breakthrough with my wife

by stillajwexelder 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SnakesInTheTower


    any crack is a good sign, no matter how small..


    If I recall correctly, not too long ago, they did an 'update' on all of the folks - who met in the homes, etc - giving their current info to their bookstudy conductor. Or did I mis-understand?

    If they did... what was that all about - now that they are doing away with the smaller groups?

    I had lunch with a friend of mine today who is an elder.. he said that their current info is that meetings for service will continue to be held in the homes, that the CBSO's will still be responsible for shepherding the smaller number in their groups. What he did not know was what other responsibilities (or even title) those overseers would have once the changeover takes place. He stated that there is another letter coming, but they havent gotten it yet. (Of course, he wants to know how I am hearing about these changes when I dont even attend anymore, esp when he hasnt heard yet... ie; book study change, pioneer hour reduction (rumor)..etc) lol...oh if he only knew....

    What this means to me is that the Society is maintaining some sort of control over the little groups at a local level, but taking away the opportunity that the CBSO's had to insert their opinions/viewpoints while teaching the Book Study. Now, any renegade CBSO is brought under immediate control if he tries to spout off his contrarian opinion from the platform during the combined book study...


    Who will host the speaker? CO? DO? Where will Saturday morning service meet? Every Saturday, will everyone meet at the hall?

    See above... no way everyone could meet at the KH on Saturday in KH's where multiple congos meet. In the KHs I have attended with multiple congos, each congo would take a turn each month having a combined group field service people a chance to work with others they had not worked with (and giving the families where the BS is held a break once a month) and the other congo(s) that held book study there would meet in the auxiliary rooms.

    Snakes ()

  • oompa
    Neverending: Any astute Witness should pick up on it, but I assume most are "waiting on Jehovah" to fix it.

    Egads! mad magazine would say......that was pretty much the end point of my post..........sad isn't it.........oompa

  • tijkmo

    doing away with the group study is without doubt the silliest thing they have done.

    it makes no sense at all.


    i mean even the idea that they want to reduce travelling time is rubbish cos the group is usually in the vicinity..and they still have to go to the hall just as often.

    it was the one meeting that shy ones got to comment/read thus allowing them to think that they were accomplishing this requirement and now they won't do it at the hall thus fuelling their i'm not worth it feelings.

    and generally you got on with folk in ya group...and did other non jw stuff with them.

    stupid stupid stupid

  • eyeslice

    I too have spoken to my active wife about this and get the impression that this isn't going down well with the R&F.

    I suggested that if the reason for the change was the cost of travel then it makes sense to keep the local book study and get rid of the mid-week meeting and just have a local mid-week meeting and a congregation meeting on Sunday. But sense does rule with the society.

  • LovesDubs

    Wow...every little inroad is hope! If she is examining things then there is indeed a chink in the armor.

    Ive been thinking that there are so few men in this borg now that they dont have enough to spread around any more to oversee the numerous book studies. Also I believe they are eliminating the free wagging tongues and lack of thought control that occurs in book studies. They can watch and monitor and control the sheep better when they are not hither and thither and dont need as many elders and MSs to control them if they are all in one building. Im sure they will say that they believe the ark doors are closing and its easier to have everybody in one place when that happens in case it happens on a bookstudy evening LOL!

    This whole thing never had anything to do with gas...and besides the decision to do this was made a LONG time before they decided to announce know it was...and the gas prices werent that bad then, so it never was the gas. But just like saying they joined the United Nations to use the library card...the R&F mostly will buy anything they say. But the good news is that people like stills wife are starting to put 2&2 together and they arent adding up to 5 like the Society said they did.


  • TheListener

    Most of us are familiar with how the elders really are.

    They will do the smallest amount of work possible. Once the studies are disbanded it'll be like pulling teeth to get the newly titled CBSO to shepherd his little group.

    Unless....the WTS makes the newly titled CBSO shepherd a separate family within his group each week. That would force the elders to shepherd and maintain control over the small groups. Of course, the elder wouldn't get a night off then. That would only last a short time before it sort of fades away.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Great news, stilla! I think many are upset about the elimination of the book study in the homes. Even my die hard dub kids voiced dismay at that one and they rarely do that around me. Keep it up, Brooklyn!

  • Pahpa

    I can distinctly remember when it was announced that the book study was the most important meeting in the congregation. The understanding of that time was that Kingdom Halls would be closed down shortly and the only contact we'd have would be through the book study. It was suggested that the book study could be moved around to various houses to outwit the authorities. Therefore, it would be very important to be present at every book study to know where the next would be located. If we missed just one meeting we could find ourselves in danger of being excluded from our brothers and sisters.

    At that time, the book study was not being well attended. It could have been an attempt to scare the members to support this meeting. In my congregation there was a lot of politics that were being played by the PO. I remember one book study conductor that had been appointed who told me that he didn't understand most of the information in the book and wondered how he could help others in the study. I reassured him that there were a number of brothers and sisters who would help him out.

    The Watchtower Society has vacillated on many things throughout the years. And this seems to be just another example of the changing circumstances that influence their policies. It certainly illustrates how nebulous this "spirit led organization" really is....

  • stillajwexelder

    I can distinctly remember when it was announced that the book study was the most important meeting in the congregation. The understanding of that time was that Kingdom Halls would be closed down shortly and the only contact we'd have would be through the book study. It was suggested that the book study could be moved around to various houses to outwit the authorities. Therefore, it would be very important to be present at every book study to know where the next would be located. If we missed just one meeting we could find ourselves in danger of being excluded from our brothers and sisters.


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm sure it will be tied to something about Noah as they eluded to in the past. Cross reference with other scriptures and then back to Jesus. It will all make sense to the avg Dub. They have a few years on this. No mass exodus yet

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