any crack is a good sign, no matter how small..
If I recall correctly, not too long ago, they did an 'update' on all of the folks - who met in the homes, etc - giving their current info to their bookstudy conductor. Or did I mis-understand?
If they did... what was that all about - now that they are doing away with the smaller groups?
I had lunch with a friend of mine today who is an elder.. he said that their current info is that meetings for service will continue to be held in the homes, that the CBSO's will still be responsible for shepherding the smaller number in their groups. What he did not know was what other responsibilities (or even title) those overseers would have once the changeover takes place. He stated that there is another letter coming, but they havent gotten it yet. (Of course, he wants to know how I am hearing about these changes when I dont even attend anymore, esp when he hasnt heard yet... ie; book study change, pioneer hour reduction (rumor)..etc) lol...oh if he only knew....
What this means to me is that the Society is maintaining some sort of control over the little groups at a local level, but taking away the opportunity that the CBSO's had to insert their opinions/viewpoints while teaching the Book Study. Now, any renegade CBSO is brought under immediate control if he tries to spout off his contrarian opinion from the platform during the combined book study...
Who will host the speaker? CO? DO? Where will Saturday morning service meet? Every Saturday, will everyone meet at the hall?
See above... no way everyone could meet at the KH on Saturday in KH's where multiple congos meet. In the KHs I have attended with multiple congos, each congo would take a turn each month having a combined group field service people a chance to work with others they had not worked with (and giving the families where the BS is held a break once a month) and the other congo(s) that held book study there would meet in the auxiliary rooms.
Snakes ()