Reasons For My Not Posting Much Here Now

by flipper 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    Not that I really owe an explanation for anything to anybody. Or if anybody is THAT concerned . I understand and respect that Simon had to do what he had to do - for reasons he explained. I especially understand in regards to the threat made to his family. Any man worth his salt would have done the same thing for protecting his family.

    However, that being said, my main reasons for posting here was for encouraging exiting JW's and mostly newly exiting JW's and giving them some ideas of how to proceed on in " real authentic " life outside a mind controlling cult. Since no new registered guests are being allowed onto this site - basically my work I want to accomplish in " supporting " these new exiting people can't be accomplished here.

    So , as others here are doing , I am posting much more on JWS now to try and help newbies over there. I still answer any PM's sent me here - but for me the emphasis of this board has changed from what it used to be. Some just wanted to keep it a discussion board anyway - I guess it will just remain that until it is closed. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish - but can do that more on a board which will accept newly registered posters , as there will be more and more exiting from the mind controlling cult " Jehovah's Witnesses".

    I might chime in on this board now and then , but my main thrust is to help the newbies. I have enjoyed getting to know many of you here. Some I know better than others, and will probably see you down the road some time on the other board, or boards as the case may be. Peace out to you all, Mr. Flipper

  • The Missus
    The Missus

    I'm still a newbie - don't leave yet Mr. Flipper. We need you!

  • neverendingjourney
    I'm still a newbie - don't leave yet Mr. Flipper. We need you!

    You got in just before the doors of the ark closed. Good for you.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Not that I really owe an explanation for anything to anybody. Or if anybody is THAT concerned .

    Hello, Mr. Flipper:

    I feel it's a number of things but remains ultimately a juggling act. Involved, too, is a bit of reinvention of self. Others do care about us so it's thoughtful to let them know what we think and do. Our friends are concerned about us, but, like us, are caught up in a whirlwind of activity (minus the WT treadmill). We simply cannot always "be there" for one another.

    You are right to offer help where you feel best suited, but all of us, despite our level of growth, need mutual encouragement. Surely, whether here or there, you're geared to offer your services.

    That's a very good thing.

    See you at JWS ...

    CoCo aka Petit Prince

  • flipper

    THE MISSUS- I will still be here to check in. You can always P.M. me if you'd like. Peace.

    NEVERENDINGJOURNEY- I wonder whatNoah thought when the doors to the ark were shut ? I agree- I'm glad Missus got in here too before JWD shut down.

    COCO- I try to let people know my reasons for doing what I do.I'm pretty much an open book. And I let people in on my decision making process, as I agree with you, it's considerate. I also agree with you that we ALL need mutual encouragement ! Even someone positive like me ! See ya over on JWS bro ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Quandry

    You have been wonderful helping new ones here, flipper. Thanks.

    I also like to encourage new ones that are dissilutioned and unsure, the way I still feel sometimes.

  • And He Ran
    And He Ran

    What is the link to the reasons that this site is closing down please? If it's closing down, I'll miss it.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I miss the newbies too flipper.

  • dinah

    You did a great job, Mr. Flipper.

    The problem in these last days () was that you had to wade through the trolls to find one person who was genuine. We will never know how many were scared away.

  • flipper

    DINAH- I am going to try to do the same thing over on JWS that I did here, and try to accomplish much with people exiting this crazy-a$$ cult. People really need help- because being a JW is all some of them ever knew. True some of them might have been scared off by trolls here - but diversity is a good thing. The diverse sites out there now ( JWS included) gives these exiting witnesses multiple places to go to get support ! The good thing about helping people - is it can be done anywhere- not just on this site, but others as well ! I think Mama's board will do great ! It is already ! Thanks for you kind words. They are appreciated ! See you over on JWS sis ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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