Do you

by John Doe 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    tremble when it thunders, and the window panes vibrate and you can hear the sloshing sound of rain against the parched roof baking in the August heat? Do you drift back in time when you hid your face in a pillow from the thunder and shaking walls and could scarcely think of looking at the magic monster in the clouds? What name do you hear when the sound of the thunderous rainstorm calls?

  • yknot

    I check to make sure we aren't under a tornado advisory..... then I go back to sleep after checking to make sure all the windows are closed, if it is the middle of the night.

    Of course sometimes I run out and dance in the rain too..... jumping with both feed into the puddles (we get really great puddles)

    After passes we go out and count all the earthworms!

  • gymbob

    Frankly, I make popcorn and pull up a chair.....Gymbob

  • FlyingHighNow
    Do you drift back in time when you hid your face in a pillow from the thunder and shaking walls and could scarcely think of looking at the magic monster in the clouds?

    The only time thunder scared me much was during Hurricane Betsy when I was 6 years old.

    I love thunder and lightening. It does bring me back to childhood on Gulf of Mexico, when rain came often and was very magical. I have a CD with thunder and lightening that I play when I can't sleep.

  • sweetstuff

    I love thunder. It has only scared me once, when I was pregnant with my second child and I was visiting my parents and the lightening was touching down in the field right in front of their house (the thunder was so loud it was hard to talk over it),so yeah, hormones and all it kinda freaked me out.

    Other than that, I love hearing the pouring rain and pounding thunder. The only voice I've heard during thunder and lightening however, is me screaming, "Oh god", and not while praying. hehehehehe. :grinning:

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Very few thinks can beat the smell and sound of summer rain on a tin roof.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I've been in two different houses when lightening struck them. I saw lightening blow a phone right off the wall in the second house. It was on Mobile Bay. So, it's true, you can get hurt if you speak on the phone during a thunderstorm. The thunder clap will be earthshattering and deafening when it strikes the house in you're in. You'll jump several feet in the air just from the sound.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Tin roof rain and car roof rain. There was a song about it during the 60's by Lou Christie, well two songs really, Lightening striking again and Rhapsody in the Rain.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Other than that, I love hearing the pouring rain and pounding thunder. The only voice I've heard during thunder and lightening however, is me screaming, "Oh god", and not while praying. hehehehehe. :grinning:

    I'll bet you got some funny looks from the other people.

  • lilybird

    There was the most spectacular thunderstorm when my husband and I stayed at our cabin up north which is by a small lake. The storm was right above us and the thunder made the cabin shake and the windows rattled so hard I thought they would break. The lightning was so bright it lit up the entire lake so I could see across it like it was daytime. It didn't scare me but I felt such awe that nature could be so violent but at the same time so beautiful. My husband slept right thru it all,,,He was annoyed at me in the morning that I didn't wake him up to watch it also,, lol


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