You have some really great questions prepared....but they won't be visiting your house again afterwards.....let us know the end results!
Is membership in an organization required for eternal life?
Perhaps ask why they changed their teachings on being baptized in the name of an organization and not in holy spirit?
w605/15pp.299-300par.12BaptismAccordingtotheDivineWill***That baptism is also done in the name of the holy spirit means that the baptized one is testifying to the fact that he has come to know that the holy spirit is the active force of the living God, which he sends out through his Son, Christ Jesus, and which operates toward Jehovah’s people, enlightening and directing his theocratic organization on the earth today as it did in the days of the apostles; and that the immersed one has rendered himself in submission to this holy force.—Acts 1:8; 20:28; Joel 2:28, 29. ..... has many more WT quotes that show how we use to know it was wrong
Why you would need to be re-baptized to become a JW
Often the question is asked whether one baptized previously in a ceremony performed by some other religious group should again be baptized when coming to an accurate knowledge of the truth and making a dedication to Jehovah. Because of what has been already said, now there is compelling reason for also saying, Yes, one must be baptized again. Obviously, by any of such religious systems one was never in reality baptized "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit," because had he been so baptized he would have appreciated the authority and office of such true Higher Powers. And if previously dedicated to Jehovah, the individual would have separated himself from such God-dishonoring Babylonish systems even before letting them baptize him. So the act of being baptized is not the important thing, but, rather, that which the act symbolizes is the element of importance.