So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Freedom!

by easyreader1970 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    Last night I was sitting in the Service Meeting listening to a brother read the announcements. One main part of the announcements was to read part of the KM that had to do with the upcoming two day circuit assembly (ours is next month ... even though we just had the district convention last month ... geez). The KM article talked about how the circuit assembly would warn us against Satan's new tools--the internet, education, and entertainment. I guess the point will be made that these aren't really new tools but they are being used in new devious ways.

    Anyway, after he finished this part he called an elder up to the platform to read an announcement. There is always a hush that comes over the Kingdom Hall when someone calls an elder up to read an announcement. Most times it's a letter but it doesn't matter. Everyone in there braces for the worst: someone has been disfellowshipped!

    "So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    I have gotten to the point now where I smile inside when this annoucement is read. I am still trapped but at least someone else was able to break free of the tyranny. I didn't know the fellow, but it turns out to have been the son of one of the sister's in the congregation. He was in his early twenties, I believe, so he might be able to have a long life free of mind control and lies.


  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Not necessarily... I think most of those who are dfd are still in mind control and come back as soon as they can.

    Sorry sad situation... to be out of the org and still mindf*cked.

  • Robert7

    I agree with A@G. I bet most who get DFd still think it's the truth. They will feel horrible, will be shunned, and will likely make efforts to get back in.

    People have to WANT to leave to achieve freedom.

  • easyreader1970
    Not necessarily... I think most of those who are dfd are still in mind control and come back as soon as they can.

    Many do return. You are right. I can only hope that he can focus on other things.

    The pressure of being separated from your family is a tough and it is one that I am not able to face. Just about my entire family is JW. I would be the lone monkey out if I up and left. I'd be demonized to my own children, despised my my wife, sister, and mother. I hate being in the Organization but in my current state, I would hate being separated from my family even more.


  • LovesDubs

    Wouldnt you just love to know how many in there were thinking the same as you? I bet a fair number of them were a bit jealous of that guy. He is FREE of that insane mental bondage! No more boring meetings! Assemblies! Field service! yep...they want it too but are stuck like you are.

  • LockedChaos


    Totally agree
    It takes effort and study
    to free oneself from
    the mind control

    I was out for 28 years
    and just recently learned
    that I still had residual

    I still wonder what may be lurking

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    why dont you take a risk and reach out to the poor soul...

    Unlock him from the matrix...

    or if you don't, I'm game!

  • MissingLink

    Are you sure he didn't DA?

  • Quirky1

    The only way that spells freedom if the one being Df'd or Da'd is seeking freedom.

  • LisaAnn

    Wouldn't you just love to send anonymous things to this guy- like a CoC book or at least the URls to this forum! I often wanted to do that when I was underground and going to every meeting.

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