Last night I was sitting in the Service Meeting listening to a brother read the announcements. One main part of the announcements was to read part of the KM that had to do with the upcoming two day circuit assembly (ours is next month ... even though we just had the district convention last month ... geez). The KM article talked about how the circuit assembly would warn us against Satan's new tools--the internet, education, and entertainment. I guess the point will be made that these aren't really new tools but they are being used in new devious ways.
Anyway, after he finished this part he called an elder up to the platform to read an announcement. There is always a hush that comes over the Kingdom Hall when someone calls an elder up to read an announcement. Most times it's a letter but it doesn't matter. Everyone in there braces for the worst: someone has been disfellowshipped!
"So-and-so is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
I have gotten to the point now where I smile inside when this annoucement is read. I am still trapped but at least someone else was able to break free of the tyranny. I didn't know the fellow, but it turns out to have been the son of one of the sister's in the congregation. He was in his early twenties, I believe, so he might be able to have a long life free of mind control and lies.