Hey apostafriends, I eye was scheduled for a procedure to pump dye in me and take pictures of my eye so the ophthalmologist can see the bleeding in my diabetic eyes. I need laser surgery to stop the bleeding that could encroach on my vision. This morning I was supposed to go get that done but I awoke with food poisoning. I wish I was dead with this vomiting and stuff. Had to cancel procedure. Anyone else had it done? Laser surgery follows, once my belly stops killing me. Could use a little support here kids. Was 51 on the 9th happy flippin birthday to me. W.Once
Eye surgery and food poisoning, need tea and sympathy
by Wasanelder Once 16 Replies latest watchtower medical
sweet pea
Feeling for you. If it makes you feel any better I'm having 2 wisdom teeth out tomorrow so will be feeling like £$%& for the next few days. Hope you feel better soon and that you get your eye sorted with the minimum of bother.
Awakened at Gilead
Sorry to hear that wuzzy... didn't realize you were 51.
Hope u are able to get the surgery soon.. my only experience with eye surgery was LASIK.. which was very quick and painless....
Take care.
Poor thing. I feel for you. Vomiting is the worst; you have my sympathy.
Open mind
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
I have a few magazines that might help bring you "REAL" hope and "REAL" solutions.
Seriously, I just got done looking at "Truthbookblues" on YouTube and would like to thank you for taking the time to re-post all those videos.
No copyright complaints this time around, huh?
Take care.
(Hey! my BD was on 08/08! Happy Birthday!)
Sorry for the troubles. and
Sending positive thoughts your way, medical advances are wonderful...wishing you speedy recovery.
Good lord!! That absolutely sucks........Are you taking anything for the food poisoning?? Charcoal tablets are supposed to be good (if you can get someone to go to the store and get you some).
The laser therapy should be okay once you're well enough to have it. Make sure you drink lots of water because you're going to get dehydrated with the food poisoning. Did you go to the hospital or call your doctor??
Stay hydrated, keep your sugar level, and get well soon. Happy belated birthday!
Ouch Was, sounds painful. Can't say I've experienced that, but then I have had 22 gallstones that put me thru hell and back and let me say, I'm damn happy that thing is out!! ((((Hugs))))
*Makes some peppermint tea, good for the tummy*
Hi Was!
Dad had a similar surgery 3 years ago but he had a full on vitrectomy and has done very well. I promise it's over before you know it. Stay hydrated!!! Chamomile Tea is very soothing.