Specific TV, Film, Music or Computer Game references deemed inappropriate?
by veen 27 Replies latest jw friends
I could swear I remember the Sympathy for the Devil reference being in print. It was mid-80's. Why they had to dig up a song from the 60's, I'll never know. Article was "Beware of Music that Debases" I think maybe it was the WT study at the DC that year. God, why do I remember that????!!!!!
I was down the pub tonight and my sister said she went to see 'Sex and the City' in the cinema. I gave a lol and said the title of the film sounds just like something which would be specifically singled out at 'Inappropriate for true Christians' in a district assembly talk just because of it's title.
Immediately everyone started having a go saying that what I said sounded like the criticisms of an apostate and if I went to assemblies or meetings or read the literature anymore I would know that they don't single out specific shows etc anymore.
I'm surprised that there was a group of dubs in a pub...
There are WT articles specifically counseling about spending time in worldly entertainment that could be better used studying WT publications...
A group of dubs spending time drinking could have been a group of dubs studying their WT magazine for Sunday...seems they're not following the counsel of the WTS...could be their leaning toward apostasy themselves...
Watchtower 83 15th October p11
Beware of Music that Debases
In the field of music spiritual perils do exist. For instance, many popular musicians are involved in the occult. Some openly admit that they worship Satan, and satanic influence often shows up in their music and songs. But how can a Christian tell if demonic influence exists in certain music? It is sufficient in some cases to look at the cover of a record album. Depicted on it you may see characters dressed to look like witches, demons or devils. Or the cover may have pictures tending toward the mystical or the occult. The name of the musical group or of an album may indicate a connection with the demons, as may the titles and words of the songs. For example, what would you conclude from song titles such as "Sympathy for the Devil" and "Children of the Grave"? The NewYorkPost reported that one such song was "a brazen admission" that the musicians were "working hand-in-glove with Satan."
There have also been recordings of unscriptural and even demonistic messages by means of a technique called backward masking, used by a number of musical groups. When the recording of one very popular song is played backward, it repeatedly says, "Decide to smoke marijuana." If played backward, another popular recording carries this message: "I will sing because I live with Satan. . . . There’s no escaping it, my sweet Satan." -
A recent movie, which brought its North American producers $125 million (U.S.) in just two months, portrays sadism and extreme violence in a humorous light. A review of the film in Brazil’s magazine Veja describes one example. A driver’s head is cut off by a surfboard. "As the decapitation is shown, the scene is more funny than shocking," notes the review. "The result is that the countless scenes of shootings, murders, and massacres, all bathed in much blood, . . . convey comicalness instead of repugnance. The spectator winds up being entertained with violence. . . . The violence, the brutal lacerating of bodies, the inconceivable suffering, are transformed into an excuse for jokes."
Feb 22 1990 Awake, Watching the World
The above is a specific reference to Lethal Weapon 2, released in 1989.
Blade Runner
Awake 84 8th April p13
You‘FeedYourChildaScorpion’?"THE movie also contains scenes of grisly sadism that are perhaps unequalled in recent popular entertainment." One "artificial human slowly crushes the skull of his human creator." Another character is shot in the torso. "We see her violently writhing and dying." Then one of the principal characters "is shown putting his finger in the wound and licking her blood."
These descriptions are taken from a NewYorkTimes article that asked whether this type of film violence is a socially destructive element. Regarding the film BladeRunner, it stated: "The vivid depiction of gore, and the plot emphasis on aggressive behavior, seems to raise to a new level a trend evident in many recent mass-audience science-fiction or fantasy movies that attract large youthful followings." Herein lies the danger—the younger generation is being brainwashed with gratuitous, or unnecessary, violence.
star trek 2 - the wrath of khan got a mention - the scene where they put live bugs in someones ears
blade runner also
cant give references cos i dont got wt lib at mo.
Watchtower 61 15th June p368-374 Progressing Toward Maturity
One way is by being spiritually-minded. Today there is a battle for the control of men’s minds. We are bombarded with vying political and economic philosophies, competing religions and commercial advertisers. But who is directing this insidious campaign of propaganda, the billions of words that pour over television, radio and the printed page every day? The Devil!
(Rev. 16:13-16) Be on guard against this arch deceiver! (Rev. 12:9) Many of his schemes appear ever so innocent, but they may accomplish his purpose of consuming your time and controlling your mind. His design is to keep people so busy watching trite comedy programs, western movies, and reading newspapers, comics and immoral novels that they do not have time to learn about Armageddon, where he is leading them!
Do not let him deceive you. Do not feed your mind on his propaganda! It will only undermine your faith, not build your pattern of integrity-keeping.
Do not permit your mind to be fed on the wrong motives of killing, fighting, grudges and revenge, which are glorified in the ever-popular western movies.
Do not feed your mind on the disgusting wrestling and boxing matches that television offers! Do you think that men will abuse their bodies in that fashion in God’s new world? Do you think that it was God’s will at creation for man’s body to be punched, jabbed, hooked, gouged and headlocked? Of course not!—Phil. 4:8.
Thanks for finding that article, ThomasC.
Watchtower 63 15th Feb p109 Walking with God
Is Jehovah’s service indeed the most important thing in our lives? If so, then we will not content ourselves with merely token witnessing but will strive to reach at least the minimum requirements of the congregation quotas. We want the consuming zeal that Jesus had and so will do all we possibly can. Remember, "everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him." So let us not content ourselves with doing as little as possible to be a Christian.—Luke 12:48.
As time goes on we should be increasing in zeal. If that is not true in our case, could it be that materialism or something else is making inroads? Some may have become television addicts. If one’s television set is causing one to stumble as regards one’s worship of Jehovah; if watching it is making inroads on one’s personal study, one’s meeting attendance and one’s field ministry, then let one get rid of it. Better to enter the new world without a television set than risking missing out on the new world because of watching television!—Mark 9:45.24
The same must also be said of other forms of entertainment. Have we got in such a rut of craving pleasure that moving pictures, parties or dancing are a "must" on Saturday nights? How can we do justice to Sunday’s field ministry, public talk and Watchtower study if we fail to get a good night’s rest? True, relaxation is necessary, but let us control it, not let it control us! Walking with God, giving him exclusive devotion, putting first his kingdom, demands of us that we do!