Here is a book written by Mr. Harold Hill, the teller of the above "Nasa story".
by whereami 29 Replies latest jw friends
Is this whole thing a joke?
Another book by Harold Hill
There are so many wrong facts in that email I would not know where to start....
This book is stilll in print at Amazon and it claims today to have over one million copies in print!
Regarding Harold Hill's "King's Kid" book, a customer at Amazon wrote a review:
The character of a well-known musical, fast-talking salesman "Professor" Harold Hill, arrives in the little Iowa town of River City with a classic "con." The author of How To Live Like a King's Kid, a spiritual con man of the same name, tries to sell a twisted doctrine of "Blab It and Grab It" nonsense with the same slick style. Deny yourself and follow Christ? No, according to Harold Hill. He teaches that God wants us to be self-consumed with aquiring lavish goodies for our comfort and ease. It is not about taking up the Cross and serving others; instead, it is about "Health and Wealth" if we will just "Name It and Claim It". How sick!
Harold HIll appears to have been a promoter of the "Name it and Claim It" Prosperity Doctrine.
I found this very interesting about Mr. Hill.
Hill has also written a book on evolution called How Did It All Begin?. The subtitle of the book, From Goo to You by Way of the Zoo, pretty well sums up its intellectual value. The book is sprinkled with "Edsel Egghead McMurphy" sayings that heap scorn on scientists and nonbelievers, and even by anti-evolutionist standards is pretty devoid of content. The book does have one interesting feature: an appendix with a listing of scientific discoveries that were supposedly predicted by the Bible. One, from Job 38:22-23, reads, "Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail which I have reserved against the day of battle and war?" I have sometimes suspected the verse refers to Midwest winters, but Hill has a different interpretation. To Hill, this verse predicts "High explosives can be safely shipped in shaved ice."
OK....It appears that Harold Hill was a crackpot!
Very interresting Gary. Where did you get that?
I believe that the reference for the drawing Gary posted (which is a great drawing) is the following:
Harper's Bible Dictionary
by Madeleine Sweeny Miller, John Lane Miller - Bible - 1956 - 850 pages
Page 194
How to Live Like a Kings Kid Harold Hill was a man who began experiencing the joys of childhood in middle age, after he had risen to executive status. His success was stupendous, but it nearly cost him his life. Hal was a "hopeless" alcoholic, his wife was in a mental institution, and their only daughter deeply suicidal.
After a failed suicide attempt, Hal found himself in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting within the week. Immediately Hal and Jesus began a continuing conversation which was to last throughout eternity. "Lord, can I live in a state of continuous victory in the midst of all this adversity?" He complained. "Yes," answered the Lord, and led him throughout the pages of the Manufacturer's Handbook, the Holy Bible.
These Scriptures spoke loud and clear. "I knew the Number One hindrance to victorious living is the 'Paralysis of Analysis' caused by a sick computer riding astride our shoulders, the rational commonsense mind, the Educated Idiot Box, the EIB".
How To Live Like A King's Kid has been a great blessing to many readers. I recommend it especially to those who complain that the things of the Spirit are foolishness. In this book the Lord speaks in contemporary language through his servant in the jargon of mechanical engineering. May God bless everyone who reads this book.