UK / NHS / Tax / Mr Blurgh

by Simon 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    Don't you just love the UK?

    To justify some hefty taxes rises on the horizon, we are aiming for our health service to become 'average' be the end of 4 years. It is already the largest employer in Europe (I think only the Russian army had more people) and the bottemless pit needs more money.

    I used to do work for some health authorities and from my experience I think the real problem is mis-management and waste. It doesn't need more money, it needs to spend what it already gets more wisely.

    Argh I hate this country and the lemmings running it !

  • Frenchy

    Well, Simon, it's not very good in this country either. If you don't have medical insurance (out of reach for individuals) you're screwed. One visit to the hospital with a stay of a week or so can easily wipe out one's life savings.

    My wife was in an accident about three years ago. She was not hurt. She went in just to get checked out. The bill was over six thousand dollars. Can you imagine if there had been anything actually wrong with her, something that would have required treatment for those six thousand dollars worth of tests?

  • Simon

    Contrary to how it's made out it is essentially the same here - if you need anything doing you have to go private otherwise you wait literally years before it's done (and usually die in the meantime)

    I don't mind paying for the private insurance but we still have to pay for the governments scam scheme. The problem with the UK is that it is so tied into Labour's ideology that they can't accept that private medical care is often better value and more efficient that a govenment run, beurocratic behemoth.


    Hey Simon,come and live in the Great White North!It`s beautiful here especialy here on the west coast.You`d love it...OUTLAW

  • Simon

    The main thing that annoys me is that our goal, after pouring in money for the next 4 years is to be ... average !

    We don't even aim to excel !

  • Simon

    We're planning a move to Calgary when we can ... I was working on a tunnel but my plastic spade broke when I hit hard earth so I jacked it in.

    Are you up near Alaska then? It looks beautiful up there - I'd love to go on a cruise for a holiday and see some whales and stuff.


    Hey Simon,I`m about 1/2 hr from the US boarder Alaska is much farther up the coast.You would enjoy the cruise up there.The wild life and scenary are breath taking,it would be something you would remember for a long long time...OUTLAW

  • belbab

    Hi Outlaw,

    I am not too far away from you and I am always looking for contacts not too far away. Send me an e-mail if you want to touch bases. You can come too, Simon if you ever are in this area. Wet windy and snow today, ugh!


  • hillary_step


    Many years ago I did some consultancy work for St. Thomas Hospital in London. I remember well that the invoice I sent them was for 4,700 pounds.

    Thirty days later, right on time, I received payment, which cheered me, as chasing accounts for payment would swallow take two days of my working week.

    Thirty days later I received another payment for the same amount, for the same invoice. Of course I sent it back with a covering note.

    Thirty days later I received another payment for the same amount for the same invoice.

    You can guess where this is going. I received SEVEN payments for the same work! I wonder how many do not bother sending back the cheques!

    Best regards to yourself and your Griffin! -- HS

  • Simon

    Yes, that's the NHS ...

    There was a case recently which highlighted how incompetent they were with paperwork. Someone hit on the idea of just sending out invoices to hospitals out of the blue and got several £million because they just paid them.

    A nursing agency also go millions from regularly overcharging them.

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