I asked about the Sept 2007 okm

by Tired of the Hypocrisy 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I am already getting some answers. Please check it out and respond if you like.



  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    I have only read the question, I did not read any of the answers, but I think I know the answer, the difference is that the Catholics have for most of their history forbade the use of the bible completely. At one time you were not allowed to have a bible at all, but by the 60’s and 70’s they did allow it but were never allowed to use it. As an EX- Catholic myself, when I was at primary school we used the catechism only and never touch the bible. I do NOT recall the catechism ever referring or quoting any scriptures.

    The WTS on the other hand use’s the bible always and refers to it many times, of course we can then claim they misapply or misquote or whatever...but that’s the basic answer to your question.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Thanks Keemosabeh....

    I appreciate it a lot!

  • WTWizard

    Well, if they forbid the use of the Bible, so be it. I will not use it as a personal guide in my life. Instead, I will view it as further evidence against God Himself as nothing more than an Almighty Lowlife Scumbag. And I will not obey any of the commands found therein just because it's in the Bible.

    Rather, I will merely use independent thinking and my ability to discern what is good or bad for myself or society.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Good post. You laid out the facts of your ? supported it with the scan as evidence. Sadly circular reason imediately kicked in and they jumped on the word endorse, instead of looking at the overall context of the KM. When you read the whole KM you cant help but to come away with the understanding dont look at outside material. Once again we see the WT doublethink in effect.

    Witnesses defend 'I use outside material' not realizing while they may, 80% have now been cut off. On top of that, IF A dub shows an elder outside research to point out a discrepency, the elders now have reference source to DF the dub. I can see the judicial commitee now, 'bro R&F you brought to us material from strongs bible concordance stating blah blah blah. While we commend your thirst for bible understanding, we dont want to step outside of our mother organization. 'The km of of 9/07 clearly warns...you see how it will go down.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Sadly circular reason imediately kicked in and they jumped on the word endorse, instead of looking at the overall context of the KM.

    Yea they sure did. One guy jumped in and tried to say that I was trying to make them admit to being on an unapproved site. I just restated my question about WHY they are doing it. He went and re-read his okm and decided I was right. He said he is writing the society and recommended I do so as well.

    I hope it helps open some eyes!

  • Borgia

    I wrote a little response with reference to the organisation book, elder manual and other material.

    I hop it will be helpful.



  • abbagail

    "I do NOT recall the catechism ever referring or quoting any scriptures."

    Me neither, Lone Ranger... not a one... 8 years of RCC school, 14 years of RCC church, but never knew a "real scripture" until I was about 25, from a bookmark from a Christian bookstore... LOVED IT: "The Joy of the Lord is your Strength." -Neh. 8.10 or 10.8, never can remember. 1st Scripture I ever learned.


    As for the KM... nauseating... suffocating... but when one is "in" they just can't see it. Exactly as darth frosty said:

    Elder to Passionate JW-sheep/student: "We commend you on your desire to get closer to Jehovah by extraneous Bible study materials, but we'll have to KICK YOU OUT if you keep it up..." - LOL. What a dichotomy.


    extraneous - adjective: "coming from outside; foreign; an extraneous substance; not truly or properly belonging" ...

    Wasn't sure I was using/spelling the word correctly, but it made me chuckle as that is a perfect definition of how the WT feels about Bible literature that didn't come off their own printing presses...


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    I wrote a little response with reference to the organisation book, elder manual and other material.

    I appreciate it! It looks like a guy went right after it.

    Update, this question is getting lots of attention. I am going to extend it!!

  • Borgia

    hm....I tried to get back to the page of your question but yahoo said it was deleted. Then I tried it through my profile. But again: answer deleted. Strange.....First it was cut in half, now totally deleted.

    Well, you can't win 'm all.....



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