9/11 Truth: Was Extra Equipment Attached To Flight 175?
by What-A-Coincidence 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
guys ... it's speak for itself ... nuff said.
Hey, WAC, I've looked over some of these threads. Which side do you stand on with this theory? Do you believe it was a set up? I don't know enough about it to say yay or nay.
Elvis was the captain of the plane
Most of the answers you will get from 9/11 apologists is based on "it is just not possible" ... that is a "mind-stopper/stopping technique" ... think of it when u were a Witness, if you question authority/doctrine or what you have you, you are told, 'you question the Governing Bodies decision?" or "you need to pray more".... aka: mind stopping techniques.
You got questions regarding 9/11? They got mind stopping techniques for you too. A witness who has questions is regarded as what? An apostate! A person who questions 9/11 is labeled as a conspiracy theorist/crazy/nut/paranoid. Get it? I have gotten a lot of emails from JWDers who don't want to be labeled a 9/11 'apostate'. Get it? It's like being an apostate all over again.
Basically it comes to this ... if you question anything regarding the government (Governing Body) ... get ready to be labeled. I warn you, don't say that agree or disagree if you are not ready for the 'heat' ... you kinda have to prepare yourself to be labeled a 'nut' (apostate) by 9/11 apologists (witnesses).
I don't 'believe' ... I question. The day you believe is the day you stop questioning.
To answer your question. I don't believe the official story.
I have noticed that for the most part, older folks as older witnesses as well, who are set in their beliefs, no longer question them. The longer you believe, the more it takes to shake you out of them ... can you really get out a person out of the borg who has been in it for 50, 60 years? Hardly, you just say, "waste of time" or "lost cause".
I have noticed that for the most part, older folks as older witnesses as well, who are set in their beliefs, no longer question them
I have noticed that this is also true of members of the Church of the Almighty Conspiracy.
I have noticed that this is also true of members of the Church of the Almighty Conspiracy.
So you are saying I am not allowed to question authority? You remind me of the Watchtower ... "Don't question us!!! Believe everything that we say!"
But I congratulate on your great use of:
"An ad hominemargument, also known as argumentum ad hominem (Latin: "argument to the man", "argument against the man") consists of replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted, and the argumentum ad hominem works to change the subject."
Oh geez... No one is saying you shouldn't question things. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But when the conspiracy theorists are shown *repeatedly* why their claims are wrong and unsubstantiated, they *continue* to repeat them as if they have been unanswered. That is insanity.
The "extra equipment" theory has been debunked repeatedly. This bulge is the wing fairing present on all 767s (and maybe other models). Look it up, you will see excellent pictures of this "bulge" on the bottom of 767s. It is normal.
There is absolutely no credible evidence that supports a 9/11 conspiracy. All the *hard* evidence shows that it was as reported: terrorists flew planes into buildings. This was not some difficult feat, especially with the state of airline security at the time. What would be a million times more difficult to pull off is a conspiracy of this magnitude, which would require the cooperation and silence of literally thousands of people.
So what happened to all the passengers on board, is it was facted ... were they taken to the same island as in the series LOST?
So what happened to all the passengers on board, is it was facted ... were they taken to the same island as in the series LOST?
LOL..exactly. The questions raised if 9/11 *were* a conspiracy are insurmountable.