Just conducting a little survey for all of you active members and lurkers of JWD. Just simply proving the importance and support of this website. For me personally, while I was still in JW land I had always ahd doubts but still generally believed it. However, after reading this website it killed any faith and any confusion I had for the religion. And now I am no longer a part of it (which is for the better). So my question for you in regards to the JW religion is this: "If not for this website 1. would still be in it, 2. Still believe it 3. Stayed in it 4. Gone back to it out loneliness or confusion (if you had left).
How many of you would still be "Blinded" by the JW's had it not been forJWD
by superman 28 Replies latest jw friends
not me - eyes already opened by Randy's site www.freeminds.org
Not me. This is just a message board; good for support. It's not the reason why I left the dubs.
Me either..I knew the WBT$ was corrupt!.. I found out a lot more,by coming to JWD though..............
I disassociated in 1987 and my worst suspicions and more were confirmed after the internet came out and took off in the mid 1990's, unfortunately earlier I did not know where to find any good books that explained things so well. One issue that is covered very well on at least the english speaking internet is the cultic, deceitful and exploitative nature of the WTS.
So JWD came too late for me but it still provided a wealth of interesting details on many JW issues. -
I already made up my mind that I would be better off out whether or not it was the truth. And thus, I would still have quit being active--I shredded my littera-trash and stopped going out in field circus in June 2005, and haven't been to a boasting session since the REJECT Jesus Party of 2005. And I got Internet access in 2006.
However, it is likely that I wouldn't have been able to contribute to anyone else leaving the cancer.
In a way. I left on my own accord- I disassociated myself- but then felt pretty damn guilty about it for about 2 years until I found JWD and a few other ExJW sites
Not me, Had doubts way before jumping onto the internet. Sites like freeminds and jwfacts reinforced that I wasnt a total nut job in doubting the WTBTS, and JWD showed me that I WASN'T ALONE. Priceless when all you have known crumbles around you.
I posted it before but my mouse slipped and I accidently click on JWD instead of the WT.org......pure accident almost a year ago next Sunday.
Wow. This is why JWD should not close.