So Any Newbies and Lurkers - Talk to Us - How Are You Doing ?

by flipper 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    I wanted to put this thread out for any newbies and lukers to see how things are going in your life ! Please know that those of us who have exited the JW religion care about you - so if you need to vent about what you have been experiencing - this thread is a good place to do it ! Many here, including myself have been through what you are going through - so please post your thoughts here - and we will try to assist you !

    I invite any comments from some of you long time posters on this board as well to help assist these people ! Let's help the newbies on this board ! Look forward to everyone's comments ! Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    Look forward to hearing from any newbies or lurkers here ! Have you all gone on to other sites after hearing this one's shutting down ?? Just curious


    [email protected] s going to be a very slow thread..The I believe the forum is`nt accepting any new members.......... Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    OUTLAW- Yeah, I know the forum isn't accepting new members. That's why I'm testing this with this thread to see how many newbies who have been here the last couple months have bolted for other boards ! LOL! This is a test, this is only a test. If this were an actual emergency your local radio stations would inform you on where to go ! LOL!

    The poster SF stated on my thread about going and posting elsewhere to help newbies that I should stay here and help others as there were more people still here to help. Well, I'm waiting for them to respond

  • nomoreguilt

    Hey Flipper! I haven't been posting much lately, just kinda doing things around the house and took a vacation, Wisconsin, Chicago, chillin. been meaning to call ya soon, have to get to that soon, eh? I guess I've just been taking everything in here lately and adding everything I've learned to my defense campaign when I need it. Mrs.NMG is fine and hope yours is also. Say Hi for us! Business is slow ans just trying to make a month of it.You? Anyways Flipper, I'll catch up with you on the phone here soon. take care ALL!


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Flipper, I'm not a newbie, but hello. I think there are some still lurking here. The traffic has slowed down though. I think it would be great to let the newbies back on, but it's not my decision. I also wouldn't be the one handling the problems.

    Just wanted to say hi!

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Hi Flipper! I joined JWD about a month ago. My husband and I stopped attending meetings regularly about four months ago. I have not attended at all in about three months. All of our family are witnesses. It's really been a tough road. Our family has mosly responded in anger and not really asked "why" we stopped, which in a way is okay because if they did it would be even worse. One subject we've been able to bring up is the abuse cases. The response we get is that "if it doesn't apply to you why do you worry so much about it so much"or "it will all come out in the wash". I've learned that nothing can really change their mind set, they are blinded. I don't want to be disassociated, just want to be left alone and I don't know if it's possible. I lurked here for a while before I joined and I'm so glad I did. You have all helped me so much. I go back and look at your past posts and see your struggle and how different people dealt with things and we know we are not alone. Thank you so so much!

  • flipper

    NO MORE GUILT- Good to hear from you ! I'm glad you took a vacation and a little time off ! You needed it ! My wife says , " Hi ! " as well . She is fine and doing good. We will talk soon.

    CHOOSING LIFE- It has slowed down - but I realize there are some people here that need help. I'm sure it's quite a resonsibility running a board like this - so I wouldn't want to have the burden of making the call whether new ones joined or not. Mercifully- it's not my decision either .

    NO MORE KOOL AID- I'm glad you and your husband stopped attending meetings. And boy, do I know the fallout that can come from JW family when you stop attending. Been there done that. My daughters hardly speak to me because I stopped ! The witnesses really are blinded about the child abuse cases. I've even heard some witnesses say, " Well, it happens in all religions. " Yeah- But I thought our religion was supposed to be the true religion where things like that don't happen. Also I've heard them say, " Well,Jehovah is just cleaning up the pedophiles in the organization. " That's BS- because there are till thousands of pedophiles roaming around to different congregations still lurking about . I hope things do go well for you and hubby. Hang in there, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Allegory

    Hi Mr. Flipper

    A little about me. I studied in the early 70's and was around for the 75 mispredication and, while not involved for many years, some of their changing beliefs always bugged me. Actually, what bothered me was that my ex-friend would always deny that those things happened. This "friend" that I had for the last six years is a JW. Since I wouldn't believe in the faithful and discreet slave, she recently dropped me cold. Never even called to say bye. Since she hadn't been around the witnesses for too many years, she had never heard of their saying that organ transplants were like cannibalism or that you weren't allowed to go to psychiatrists. When I asked her about the 75 predication, she said that the WTBS never said anything like that. Well, I was there! It's too bad that those people didn't study sites like this before they got baptised. When I tried to show her things like documents about the UN affiliation, she told me they were doctored. Guess there was no way of convincing her of anything.

    I do want to know one thing. Where does it say in the bible that you need someone to explain the bible to you? My "friend' made a point of saying that I could not understand it on my own. Maybe I can't, but I sure don't need the WTBS interpretation.

    As an aside, I would recommend the book "The Children's Story" by James Clavell (yep, the guy who wrote Shogun). It can be read in about 20 minutes or less, but it carries quite a punch. A quote from the book--"It was then that I realized how completely vulnerable my child's mind was--any mind for that matter--under controlled circumstances." Yes, I was under controlled circumstances and it certainly warped my thinking.

    For years I thought the WTBS was right and that I was just unable to believe. After having access to this site, I discovered that they are the ones that are wrong. I was saved by you guys, thanks.

    Sorry this is so long and disjointed.

  • PEC

    no more kool aid and Allegory, welcome and thanks for sharing your stories.


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