To see the Little Sparrow collapse on stage was more than I could bear. She gave for love, she spoke for love, she lived for love.
Her inimitable voice was love ...
by compound complex 135 Replies latest jw friends
To see the Little Sparrow collapse on stage was more than I could bear. She gave for love, she spoke for love, she lived for love.
Her inimitable voice was love ...
An otherwise beautiful day was scarred by an incident of wanton brutality.
Bending over the tattered shreds of poverty and despair, Marcus gently slipped his sturdy right arm under the slender shoulders of the frail young man. He carefully raised Sergei's trunk to a slightly more elevated position, yet all the while being careful not to inflict any further pain upon the victim. Marie and Ava Sturges, elderly spinster ladies, had been taking their usual early morning walk when they happened upon the poor boy, crumpled in a heap in the narrow lane behind The Book Stall. Ava, the spryer of the two sisters, hastened to Marcus's cottage while a distraught Marie kept watch that no further harm should befall the destitute immigrant. Her protective spirit and the righteous indignation she felt on Sergei's behalf were weapons far greater in strength than any her tiny body could literally wield.
Scarcely able to utter more than a few unintelligible words, Sergei's blue eyes, now opened, told more the story of his life than his garbled speech ever could.
In Memory of Clarice. Musings from the Hills.
(It's not a downer. It's about one of the most serenly beautiful women, on the inside, I've even known. She died about 20 years ago around the age of 80.)
"ever" known. (sp)
Couldn't edit for some reason. Maybe the clock ran out.
BTW, Co Co, you can really paint well with words.
A thousand pairs of eyes were intently fixed upon Roberto. As many ears attuned to what lush tones were presently to surge forth from his violin. There was talk, there was fervid speculation, there was scarcely bridled anticipation over what might surely become the sensation of the decade. The timid and unassuming young man, who had long since captured the hearts of his peers as well as those uninitiated into the music of the spheres, was ready. His nervousness, absolutely typical for any young musician making his debut, was not evident to any in the now darkened music hall.
The opening orchestral accompaniment provided a brief, measured entrance into the elegant fantasy for the stringed instrument whose soulful voice sings with a true heart of human emotion. It goes without saying that, in less skilled hands, the resultant caterwauling of bow to strings would have a horrified audience running for the door and demanding a refund. Surely, that rarely happens. Bad musicians do not make their entrance into the music world using The Fontanne Theatre as their stage.
Roberto, on cue, began a dialogue with the orchestra, using his violin as spokesman. His audience, falling upon the instrument's every word, was entranced into breathless silence. The young wizard, melding his heart and soul with the once plaintive, once throbbing, once climactic crescendi of the four strings over which he possessed total but loving dominion, had his emotionally enthralled and incapacitated listeners silently begging for more exquisite pain.
nope, you gonna have to buy the book! ;)
Dear Friends,
Please open up your hearts and let the words flow ...
Marcus, the third-generation owner of The Book Stall, recognized the lad immediately. Sergei had arrived from "the old country" some weeks before and had been frequenting the tiny but surprisingly well-supplied book store. The owner, a patient and good-hearted man, listened attentively to Sergei's poor English and deduced that the immigrant wanted a French-English dictionary. Naturally, Marcus knew down what row and on what shelf the somewhat worn yet still serviceable Dictionnaire Larousse sat. It was still too early to understand why a man named Sergei was of the French tongue. Names had yet to be exchanged. Nationality to be learned.
Purchase made and in hand, Sergei motioned with the other hand, which was clutching a notebook and pen, over to the little set of table and chairs by the sunny, cheerily-curtained window.
"There ... there?" he continued pointing.
"Yes, of course!" Markus beamed, taking Sergei by his elbow and escorting him to what would become his new classroom.
With great anticipation and persistent patience I await your entries ...
Floating like a feather 'pon a zephyr fair,
I let go my weights as I walk on the air.
It is nothing much this thing that I do.
Since times early on I as the lark flew.
More than a wish a dream's come to pass,
Traipsing through clouds, an act of first class.
Return to earth is not a choice,
I could e'er state with my full voice.