IT's OFFICIAL: Joe Biden is Obama's VP Pick...
by zeroday 30 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah I know, how boring.
Obama hasn't got a hope in hell of winning anyway.
The only interesting thing now is who McCain picks, because chances are he may die in office.
Vote Hillary 2012!
I can see why.........
He's a man
He's white
He's been in congress for some time and has some influence
But he has run unsuccessfully for president several times.
I'm somewhat disappointed; are his chances of winning enhanced by this?
I'm somewhat disappointed; are his chances of winning enhanced by this?
I think Obama picked him is for his foreign policy experience which Obama completely lacks but I think it will prove to be a mistake...Delaware only has 3 electorial votes so that's not the draw...
Octarine Prince
Potentially drawing Catholic vote
Foreign policy experience
Experience in general
Not Hilary
Remember, it's not what Biden will do, but the perception, what people THINK he will do. -
He's a man
I think he should have picked a woman if not Hillary there are plenty of qualified women on the Dem side...
I can not decide, do I vote for phony dumb ass flip-flopper on everything, who we are forbidden to call black, candidate A, or Old and out of touch dumb ass flip-flopper on everything candidate B ... this year is going to be a tough decision, as who ever gets in office is going to take some very important credits for things they never did, blame others for things they caused and in the end sugar coat everything to try and get reelected in four more years.
choosing life
I can't believe it! He was running on change and couldn't use Hillary because she was old style politics. Yet he picks someone who has been in Washington for 35 years. It looks like it's still a good old boy's club.
Hillary got half the Democratic vote, for goodness sake. I hope there's a coup at the Democratic Convention.
"Yet he picks someone who has been in Washington for 35 years."
I guess it depends on what you want when you want "change". Biden is an exceptional politician, who in six terms, 35 years as a Senator, has not enriched himself.
Seems to me that is exactly the kind of "change" people are looking for.
Wasanelder Once
True, but he's from Penn and Obama couldn't wrestle that out of Hill's clutches. This might tilt it his way. I like Biden he's blunt and talks himself into the ground... Too funny. I think he will kick Romney's butt in a debate because Romney is a weasel who can only strike out like a little kid when valid points are made about him. It's sort of like, "I know you are but what am I?". It will be fun to watch but fruitless I'm sure. W.Once