Laughed til I nearly spent some money

by BizzyBee 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee

    So tonight me and Mr Bee are watching Jeopardy, as we are wont to do, being old farts who try to keep those few remaining brain cells firing by attempting to coax info bytes from the dark recesses of the old brain pan. All this is, of course, being foreplay leading to very athletic, sweaty and passionate attempts to climb down the stairs, brush our teeth and fall into bed at 8:30.

    The final Jeopardy question was something like: "What notable person's brain, who died in 1955, was preserved and his ashes scattered over the Delaware River?"

    Mr. Bee shouts, "Einstein!" Of course, that is the correct answer. But since Mr. Bee usually only gets the sports and geography questions right, I said, "How did you know that?"

    He says, quite proud of himself, "I read his autobiography."

  • MeneMene

    Yep - that is funny. Did he realize what he had said?

  • Quandry

    That is sooo funny. Thanks for sharing.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Didn't Moses write about his own death and burial?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanx, OP!


  • BizzyBee

    Hmmmm.......not sure why it struck me so funny now.

    Of course, Einstein did not write an autobiography. And even if he did, I cannot see Mr. Bee reading it.

  • jgnat

    Even funnier is imagining Einstein writing of the event with only his brain and the rest of his body missing.

  • BizzyBee
    Even funnier is imagining Einstein writing of the event with only his brain and the rest of his body missing.

    Thanks, Jgnat.....maybe that was the mental image that hit my funnybone......I mean, as my mother said, "well, Einstein was very smart."

  • beksbks

    He was sooooo dang smart, his brain wrote an autobiography without the help of his body

  • BizzyBee
    He was sooooo dang smart, his brain wrote an autobiography without the help of his body

    Well, that's how mom sees it. Smart brains are smart brains! BTW, I just asked Mr. Bee about this. He suggested that perhaps "Einstein wrote his own biography?" After I explained that and asked what book he read, he confirmed that "I was pulling your leg. The only one in this family that would read a book like that is you!" Furthermore, he tells me the one of these days he intends to look up "what is this big deal about this guy Shakespeare?"

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